Chapter 14

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*Chloe's POV*
It's been a couple of months since I've spoke to Taron, and I do miss him and his weirdness, but I'm pretty sure I'm finally over him. Well, I guess that will be put to the rest when I meet up with him later.
But a lot has happened in this last month, and I mean A LOT. For starters I met THE Jacksepticeye at a gaming convention, and Joel Dommett (who is an amazing comedian) and work has been hectic, I mean I can't say much but I'm currently working an undercover case and it's a great but it's difficult.
It was currently 10 am and I should probably get up and get ready to meet Taron.
*Imma skip this because who wants to hear about me getting ready, except for the perverts, yeah you know who you are*
I was finally ready after an hour, I honestly have no idea why it took me so long to get ready, I blame YouTube. I walked to the coffee shop just down my road, it's such a cute coffee shop it's kind of vintage style, and I'm not gonna lie but one of the barista's is super hot.

Once I arrived at the coffee shop, I walked in, well I mean obviously I'm not exactly just going to walk home again, and Taron was no where to be seen so I went up to the counter and the guy, yes the hot guy, instantly recognised me, because I'm basically there every chance I get.
"Hey, Chlo" He greeted.
"Hey Connor, how are you today?" I replied.
"Not bad thank you, usual?" He asked, because I order the same drink every time I'm here, a mocha.
"Uhm, not today can I please have a latte with an extra shot?"
"Ooo switching it up a bit today and an extra shot, who is this new person?" He chuckled.
"Honestly I have no idea, but I need the extra coffee today, I'm supposed to be meeting a really good friend here now, and I'm kind of nervous, I haven't seen him in a while" I rambled.
"Oh, I'm sure he'll be here soon" Connor replied.
"Here's your coffee" he added handing my coffee to me.
As I reached to grab my purse to get my money out he interrupted telling me "this ones on me"
" you don't have to do that" I told him.
"Consider it a good luck for you and your guy" he smirked.
" he's just a friend though, nothing more, he already has a girlfriend" I explained.
"Then he's obviously got damn good self control if he can handle himself around you" Connor flirted.
" Is that so?" I asked.
"Yeah, cause I know I sure can't" He replied.
I just walked away from him smiling and chuckling to myself. Maybe I should write my number down and give it to him, I mean what have I got to lose. As I was about to get up and hand him the piece of paper Taron walked in the shop and came over to the table I was sat at, and my stomach did not flip once. Maybe I am over him and I wasn't being optimistic.
"Hey" He greeted walking over to me.
"Hey Taron" I replied.
"I got here a little early so I went ahead and got my coffee, I kind of needed the caffeine" I chuckled.
" What do you want to drink I'll get it" I offered.
"Ah no it's alright I'll get it" Taron refused.
"Nope it's on me, now what would you like?" I repeated.
"Ugh okay fine you're too nice to me, can I get a black coffee?" He asked.
" one black coffee Comin' up" I declared, and walked up to the counter.
Now's my chance to give him my number too.
"Hello again" I said smiling.
"Hi" he chuckled.
"Can I get a black coffee please?" I asked.
"Yep, that'll be £1.50 please?" Connor said. As I passed him the money I also handed him a slip of paper, making sure Taron wasn't looking because he would ask me about it and I would just feel awkward.
Connor looked at me furrowing his eyebrows, then flipped the paper over and looked at me smirking.
"One black coffee, coming up" he mocked me and went to make the coffee.
Once he handed me the coffee I walked back over to Taron and handed his coffee to him. "There you go sir, one black coffee" I said putting on an RP, which is basically a stereotypical British accent, which made him laugh at me.
"So how has things been?" I asked as I sat down opposite him in the chair I had previously sat in.
"Not bad, I've been busy at work on new films and stuff which is good, how about yourself?" Taron replied taking a sip of his drink.
"Yeah things have been good, I've been super busy at work and I met some of my favourite people in this past month which has been incredible, how are you and Tess?" I asked feeling a little awkward.
"Yeah, we're okay, we've had fights here and there but we're alright" he responded.
I just nodded and took a big gulp of my coffee, and I'm feeling super awkward and I hate it, this is not how our friendship used to be.

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