Chapter 13

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A/N: Sorry I'm so shitty at actually writing this, it's been almost a year...Whoops. And I apologise if this chapter is shitty too.
*Chloe's POV*
I was walking away from Taron pretty damn quickly and he was running down alleyways and trying to get shortcuts and he came out of a gate at the corner of my eye and he ran towards me and I just kept walking and then I stopped and he just held up some product and it was like we were in an advert so I just rolled my eyes and kept walking but he stopped me again and he was talking but I couldn't hear what he was saying for some reason and I just grabbed his face and full on kissed him and he just kind of stood there for a bit the started to kiss me back, then I don't remember what happened but I ended up on a rubber boat thing in a river and I was with Taron and we were just sat there and I looked into the water and underneath the water was the room from Kingsman, which filled up with water, during on of the trials, then we started to fall out of the boat then I woke up.
A/N: This is a legit dream I had the other day.
Why did I just have that dream...If I don't know then I don't expect any of you to understand either especially if the bloody writer doesn't know. But anyway I have to ignore that as I have an important day ahead of me, well kind of...It is to me at least because I finally get to go out in the field at work...No, not a literal field, but it's like investigating and shit.
I ignored my thought on whatever the hell that dream was and got up and got ready for the day ahead of me.
*time skip a roo*
Today was Incredible! I can't really mention much because all of the confidentially bullshit but it was 100 times better than working the the office, I felt like a badass. It was obviously completely different to the things you see in James Bond type Films and to shows, but it was still amazing and now I'm exhausted.
I got home later than usual, but only by an hour or so, which isn't too bad I guess. It was around 8 ish when I got home so I decided it would be a good idea to eat something, and then I would be able to finally go to bed. I made myself some noodles, well I didn't make them I just put them in boiling water and let them simmer for 5 minutes because fuck making my own noodles from scratch at 8pm, I'm a lazy shit okay. Once they were done I added some soy sauce into them and some mushrooms, which I also cooked and boom dinner done in 5 minutes. After eating my dinner I thought it was probably best to have a shower because I did not smell great, and that was me being nice about it.
*you do not need to hear about me in the shower so we'll skip that*
When I got out of the shower my phone went off, and I was surprised that someone was actually messaging me. I looked at who the text was from and it was the Last person I wanted to hear from right now, I mean come on does he not know what space is, my head is already fucked enough as it is with the feelings I'm having about him. But I read the message anyway because you know curiosity killed the cat and all that shit.
'hey Chloe, I know you want you space from me for a bit to get your head around things  but I wanted to make sure you're okay...I am truly sorry about what a terrible friend I have been to you, I also wanted to ask how your first day went out in the field? I mean I don't expect you to reply straight away or even at all, but I really do hope you're okay. Also you may want to check outside'
Is what the message read, and not going to lie it did make my heart melt, but hey my feelings can't go away within a day okay, so don't hate on me. I mean I know he's meant to be my best friend and their meant to remember shit you tell them, but he remembered about how today was my first day on the field and he brought me a card and flowers to apologise for being a shitty friend.
I need to stop this, this is why I need space, I can't deal with these feelings. Why did he have to kiss me in the first place, why did I have to fall for him, why can't he like me back. You know what I need to go to bed, I'm annoying myself, more than usual. After finally getting changed, yes I did go to the door in my towel, see back with me being lazy, I couldn't be fucked to get changed yet, I finally got to go to bed to sleep.

Just another Taron Egerton Fanfic.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ