Chapter 12

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*Taron's POV*
I feel so horrible, and I feel like I should feel the same way but I cannot lie to Chloe or myself because it's wrong. I did kiss her though, which was a fucking stupid thing to do...I technically cheated on my girlfriend...
I went back to my apartment and just sat there for a while...I've got an audition for a film tomorrow...That Matthew wanted me to audition for it so I've got that tomorrow which should take my mind off things and then I'm seeing Tess after my audition tomorrow which will also be good too.

I went to bed earlier than usual because I just needed to sleep all of this off and not think about it as I need to focus on my audition tomorrow. But I could not sleep no matter how much I fucking tried, I just kept thinking about today and I could not think of anything else and it just kept playing through my mind.
After hours of trying to sleep I finally managed to get to sleep.

The next morning I got up after a terrible nights sleep, but I needed to shake that off for today's audition, so I went and had a quick shower and practiced my lines and then made my way over to where the audition was being held, which was luckily only 10 minutes away from my apartment.
When I got there, there were quite a lot of people there, which was expected, and I saw Matthew under a gazebo so I went over to him to say hi.
"Taron! Just the man I was looking for!" Mathew shouts as I walk towards him.
"Follow me, I've got someone I want you to meet" Matt told me as I fully approached him.
"Uhm okay" I replied following Matthew to wherever he wanted to take me. Matthew took me to meet these two guys who were doing the auditions, even though I could have waited in line to do my audition, because I feel bad for pushing in front of everyone else. "Hello Taron" They both greeted me.
"Hello, it's so lovely to meet you both" I replied shaking both of their hands. "We have heard so much about you, and you were brilliant as Eggsy in Kingsman by the way" one of the guys told me. I have no idea what these guys names are..
"Aw thank you..."I replied indicating I have no idea of their names.
"James" The guys who complemented me answered.
"I'm John" the other guys told me.
"Probably would have been best to say that to begin with" John added.
"Yeah haha" I laughed.
"Well do you want to do your audition now?" James asked.
"Uhm yeah sure, as long as that is okay with everyone else, and I'm not like pushing in or anything" I hesitated. "Oh no don't worry about that, you are our possible Eddie"John told me.
"Ah thank you,I'm flattered but I'm probably not the best actor here" I replied.
"Of course you are!" Matthew almost screamed at me, which kind of scared me.
"Okay, well let's get started"James said clapping his hands together and leaning forward in his seat.

My audition went well, I hope, not going to jinx myself incase I don't get the part. But then again Matthew did say he is going to own me for the next six years when we started filming Kingsman, if the film went well, so he'll probably have something to do with me getting the part...IF I get the part that is.
Anyway now I've done my audition, I went back to where Matthew was to ask if he needed anything before I left.
"Taron, that audition was brilliant"Matthew told me as soon as I approached him.
"Thanks, I was just coming over to ask if you wanted me for anything or wanted anything before I shoot off" I asked.
"I don't think so, but I was going to ask you if you wanted to go for a coffee before you leave?"Matthew asked.
"Yeah that sounds great, but I do have to leave around 4ish as I'm meeting my girlfriend" I explained.
"Oh, that was that girl you brought to the premiere right, Chloe was her name wasn't it?" Matthew questioned whilst we walked to the coffee shop just down the road.
At this question I instantly thought about yesterday, and I just started to feel really bad and my cheeks felt really warm...I'm such a bad friend.
"I'll take that as a yes then"Matthew chuckled looking at me.
" actually no, she's not my girlfriend...She is my best friend"I explained to Matthew.
"Oh, well by the way your cheeks full on went red there I'm pretty sure you're dating the wrong girl there" Matthew Told me.
"That's the issue, I want to love her but I just don't she is such an amazing friend and she is gorgeous, and she told me she loves me and I just abandoned her at the premiere for Tess and I've just been such a bad friend and I even kissed her so I cheated on my girlfriend and I don't know why I did it"I rambled on to Matthew.
I then stopped and hand a hand through my hair...
"We've got a lot to talk about Taron, come on let's get some coffee in you and continue our talk in there"Indicating towards the coffee shop that was now just across the street.

We finally got our coffee and sat at a table near the back of the coffee shop. "what actually happened between you and Chloe"Matthew asked me.
So I explained everything that has happened these past couple of weeks, and how I'm such a bad friend/boyfriend.
"Listen, Taron you're young you're bound to make mistakes in your life that will affect you but that is what makes you become the person you are, and yeah Chloe may love you but obviously you guys aren't meant to be together because you don't feel the same, and I'm sure she will Come to understand that and move on and find the one guy who loves her just as much and you just have to be there for her...Don't ditch her at events you take her to and you guys will be absolutely fine. You and Tess will have your problems as well but if you guys are meant to be together then you will resolve those issues and if you aren't then you just have to accept that and find the one person who is right for you" Matthew advised.
"Wow...You are so good at giving advise. Thanks Matthew, seriously that has helped me a lot"I told him.
"Ah it's no problem, It's just what I've learnt over the years"Matthew replied.
"Anyway haven't you best be off to meet your girlfriend?"He added looking at his watch.
"Oh shit yeah"I realised looking at my watch seeing it was 4:00pm already. I'm so glad my house is like 10 minutes away.
"Thanks again Matthew for the advise it means a lot"I called out as I jogged out of the coffee shop to get home fast.

I made it back to my apartment in one piece...Just...but I think I got him in a record time of like 5 minutes considering how fast I actually ran...but now I'm like half dead.

Tess, luckily wasn't here yet so I could quickly get changed and become less of a sweaty mess.
When Tess arrived, about 5 minutes later we didn't really do much apart from watch films and talk about what our day consisted of, But I did cook up a, really good may I add, stir fry which went down well and we just had a really nice evening and I did ask if Tess wanted to stay over but she has work tomorrow so she couldn't, so she left at around 9pm so she wasn't in complete darkness when she went home.

I decided before I went to sleep to message Chloe, I mean I know she wanted space for a while but I want to make sure she is okay and how her first day at her new job went.
'hey Chloe, I know you want you space from me for a bit to get your head around things but I wanted to make sure you're okay...I am truly sorry about what a terrible friend I have been to you, I also wanted to ask how your first day went out in the field? I mean I don't expect you to reply straight away or even at all, but I really do hope you're okay. Also you may want to check outside' I didn't send the the message just yet because I wanted to get her a few things from the shop and leave them outside her door for her before I send the message.
I got in my car, in my jogging bottoms and a shirt, and went to the closest shop to get some flowers and a card for her that said 'To A Great Friend' And I wrote a little sorry message in the card and told her how proud I am of her for Pursuing into being a part of Mi5, drove to her apartment and left them outside, quickly sent the text and drive home and got into bed and went to sleep, because I have had a long ass fucking day. 

Just another Taron Egerton Fanfic.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat