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*knock knock* "One moment please!" *knockknockknockknockknockknockknockknockknockknock* "Dammit-" Rantaro opens the door getting greeted by a hug. "wh- oh kichi- i thought you where going to be another hour-" "You thought wrong dipshit." "Ok you know what-" "NO TICKLES!" "But i wa-" "Leave grape brother alone and let us in its cold-" "Its spring-" "To bad i got a chill."

(I dont feel like trying to find what the actual season or whatever is so yeah- its spring now bitches-)

Kokichi sighs and flops onto the couch. "Pft- Are you okay?" Rantaro asks sitting next to him. "mphmhhmpphmmphm" "What?" Kokichi sighs yet again sitting up. "No, i need your help." "With what-" "..." Hiyoko sighs and crosses her arms  "He needs your help with a lie." "Oh?"

A/N Heheheheheehehehehe y'all gotta wait even though this is very predictable im just making random ass shit at this point.

Just like before. (oumami.)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin