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Kokichi scrolls through his phone intill getting a text.

'You could have told me you liked someone else.'

Kokichi sighs "Here we go..."  Kokichi taps on the banner opening his text messages with shuichi.


Read 11:00 pm.

Shuichi watches at the thought bubble blinks.

'Call me and i will explain everything'

'Is that supposed to be an excuse to see what im doing?'

Shuichis fingers type those words. It hurt talking to kokichi so soon, Truely but he needed to know why he saw kokichi kissing Rantaro right after they broke up.

Read 11:05

'No, its to see if your you.'


'Just call me.'


Shuichi listens to the phone ring waiting for the click. "..."


"Hello Shuichi."


"How rude, could have at least said hi."

"...Hi kokichi."

"Thank you."

"Now explain."

"Who is with you?"

"No one?"

"no one? Check your windows. doors and everything."


Shuichi does exactly that checking everything.


"Good, I just did the same"

"Ok? What is going on?"

"Its all pretend shuichi."


"You know riu right?"


"he used to stalk me blah blah blah whatever, and he called me the other day so i told him i had a boy friend and yeah we had already broken up so i asked my closest friend."

"You could of-"

"You would of hated me more dumbass. I cant just break up with you and then right away ask to get back together."


"Please don't tell riu."



"Ok. I won't."

"Thank you."




Kokichi hangs up in record speed. "..." Shuichi sighs laying his head back. "...Wow..."


Kokichi looks at the time.

12:00 am.

"Jeez! The time couldnt go slower." Kokichi sighs laying back. "...Why did i say 3." Kokichi stares at his ceiling before sighing and turning to his phone.

'Hey Amami~Chan.'

Almost right away kokichi got an answer

'Hey Kokichi! Whats up?'

'Come over?'

'sure? We will see each other in like 3 hours tho.'

'So? Im bored. plus we can go early. its a 24 hour cafe.'


'So hurry up and come.'

'im coming!'

'k good'

Kokichi walks over to his window unlocking it and opening it. The boy then walks back to his bed scrolling through instagram while he waits.

While scrolling he comes across a photo of him and rantaro at a theme park.

Kokichi gave rantaro a beared with cotton candy and had put it on him. Kokichi was laughing in the background while rantaro was posing for the picture. The picture was around 2 years old and kokichi could only assume miu was the one taking it.

The boy laughs quietly. "...wow. Looking through my insta?" Rantaro asks from the window. "No. It just kinda showed up." Kokichi says. "Hey you didnt like it? Thats rude." Rantaro states. Kokichi rolls his eyes walking over to rantaro and helping him inside. The boy then likes the photo so rantaro can see. "There happy?" "Very."

Kokichi laughs throwing his phone on his bed. "guess what happened?" "Shuichi?" "yup." "You tell him?" "Yup." "he promise?" "Yup." "ok." "mhm."

"We should call miu over. "Yeah."

Kokichi grabs his phone and calls (one of the best characters in my opinion.)

'What the fuck do you want?'

'Get your ass over her this instant.'

'Are you and rantaro fucking?'


'Then i dont wanna come.'

'Get over here you filthy cum dumpster.'

'fine jeez-'

"Ok shes coming." "great"


Once miu gets there the group plays around and teases each other intill it was time to go to the cafe.

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