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Miu sighs as she touches up her make up in a mc donalds booth. "How do i look?" Miu asks looking at kokichi. "Awhoreable." Kokichi states as he lays his head on the table. "Well fuck you to."

"we got frys and mc flurries~" Rantaro and hiyoko say as they slide trays on the table "Fuck yeah!!!" Kokichi claps. "Uhm excuse me. If your going to let your little brother talk like that then im going to have to tell your mom..." A women says looking slightly uncomfortable. "1. Only one of these bitches is my sibling 2. my moms dead. 3. im sixteen 1 6. Thank you very much have a nice day." Kokichi states. "Oh! Im so sorry for your lost!!" The women says bowing. Kokichi sighs. "Its fine." Hiyoko stands up and pushes the women away from the table "You made my brother sad. go away." Hiyoko says pushing the lady out of the store. "Go get eaten by wolves." hiyoko then walks back inside sitting next to kokichi.

"...Anyways! Im suprised their ice cream machine isnt broken." Kokichi says with a bright smile. "At 12 in the morning?" "Yeah thats when it usually breaks." *DING DING* "Fuckin stupid ass mother fucking bitch." Kokichi mumbles as he checks his phone and types aggressivly. "Whats wrong?" miu asks putting on like ten layers of lip gloss. hiyoko leans against kokichis arm looking at who he was texting. "Oh that hoe." "mhm." "Wow. hes awake?" "mhm." "Why doesnt he just leave you alone?" "Idk maybe i should get a restraining order..."

Rantaro nods. "Probably best." Miu sighs. "That guy has some real confidence. hes so ugly and yet he still stalks you." Miu sighs. Kokichi smiles. "Your ugly to and you still dress like a thot." "Fuck off you eggplant!" "Suck a cock peach." "OHHH!" Miu says sarcastically. "OhHhH" Kokichi says mocking miu. Miu sighs. "Fuck you." "Nah to much work." "..." Hiyoko sighs and throws a straw ball at miu "OI YOU BLOND BITCH!" "WAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! THIS LADY IS BEING MEAN TO MEEEEEE!!!" Hiyoko crys causing unneeded attention. "Ah! No nothing is wrong!" Miu yells. Kokichi and rantaro both sigh getting out of the booths and running out of the mc donalds.

Kokichi giggles jumping onto the others back. "Ok kiwi~ lets take the car so they have to walk!" Kokichi says laying his head on rantaros shoulder. Rantaro turns a light pink as he smiles and takes kokichi to the car sitting in the back with him. "We have to wait for them." Rantaro says. Kokichi sighs. "Fine... At least i get to spend time with you my beloved Taro~" "..." Kokichi giggles "awww~! Your so red~! Am i making Amami~Chan blush~?" Kokichi asks sitting on rantaros lap.

"...No." "Oh shut up, yes i am! Your not the liar, i am! Dont get our roles messed up!!!" Kokichi scolds, rantaro chuckles. "sor-" Rantaro gets cut off by kokichi kissing him on the lips. "You talk to much. Its annoying." Kokichi says once he pulls away. Rantaro sighs. "You know i cant just leave it at that." "And?" "..." Kokichi smiles as him and rantaro both lean in for yet another kiss.

A/N. Here you beautiful people have some glitter.✨ Im sorry this chapter is shitty, me and bestie are cleaning and writing at the same time, bc we ✨multitask✨.

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