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"Of course i will help you!" Rantaro says with a smile. "REALLY?!" Kokichi says with a bright smile, Rantaro nods. "Of course. What kind of friend would i be if i didnt help you out?" Kokichi jumps up and hugs rantaro "ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou!!!!" Kokichi says. Hiyoko giggles. "You only have to act that gay in public y'know~" "SHUT UP DUMBASS!" "NO!"


*RING RING* "SHUT YOUR ASSES UP AND LET ME ANSWER THIS" *Click* "papa johns pizza, how may i help you?" "fuck off" "Uno reverse" "Dammit!" "HEHEHEHEHEEH anyways what do you want maki?" "...Fuck it- where is miu?" "How the fuck would i know!? It wasnt my turn to babysit her! It was kaedes!" "..." *click* "What a bitch."


Kokichi sighs and walks along the side walk jumping over any cracks in the ground as rantaro and hiyoko follow. Miu happily skips ahead. "You happy today." Kokichi says. "heh- MAKI SAID SHE WANTED TO DATE ME AND KIRUMI!!! EEEEEEE~!" Miu happily squeals. "Ok?" Kokichi rolls his eyes pushing miu to the side. "Your such a fucking simp dumbass." "Fuck off bitch." "No u." "Shut up! I know damn well that Rantaro is as happy as i am rn and all he is doing is acting." "SHUT UP MIU!" Rantaro yells his face turning crimson red. Kokichi giggles and runs over to rantaro. "Awww~! Have you been hiding your feelings for me Ama~Chan?" Kokichi asks in a cutsy voice. "AMA~CHAN?!" Rantaros face turns a bit redder if thats even possible at this point before shaking it off "S-Shut up! You guys bully me to much..." "HEY HE DIDNT DENY IT!" Miu yells. Kokichi just laughs and walks ahead. Hiyoko smirks and turns to rantaro teasing him a bit more.

'this is going to be a long week...'

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