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Kokichi sighs and lays his head on the desk. "blah..." "Hey kokichi whats up!" "Go away." "Aw come on you dont want to greet me?" "No." "Come on say hello to your favorite person." "My favorite person is my sister." "...Second favorite person." "My boyfriend" "who the hell is that?" "Meet me at the front gates and i will show you. Now leave." "fine- class is about to start anyway."


Kokichi sighs and exits the school looking around for rantaro. "..BOO!" "Gyah!" Kokichi slaps whoever was behind him out of instinct "DONT DO THAT!!" "Aha! Sorry! But where is that boyfriend of yours?" "Shut up Riu!" Kokichi yells looking around. "Ah! There he is!" Kokichi says happily before running up to rantaro and jumping on his back kissing his cheek. "Hey Ama~Chan!" "wh- Oh hey kichi! Whos that?" "...Thats riu..." Kokichi whispers. "Ah! Nice to meet you Im rantaro amami! You were friends with kokichi in middle school?" "...A bit more then that!" Riu states holding his hand out for rantaro to shake with a smirk." "...Yeah- im sure you where." Rantaro says shaking his hand. "Anyway! Im taken leave me alone bye~!" Kokichi says with a smile before jumping off of rantaros back and grabbing his hand. "come on-" "Actually i think we should catch up a bit kokichi." Riu says. "...Actually yeah... we should, taros going to come with though." "...Alright." "Great. see you later cafe 3rd street, be there at 3 o'clock sharp or we are leaving." "deal." "Good."

Just like before. (oumami.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora