Chapter Thirteen: Meeting The Family

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[N/n]: Nickname

[S/n]: Sister's name

After walking for about ten minutes, they finally reached [Y/n]'s house. Just as they were about to move to the front door, [Y/n] noticed a familiar car in the driveway.

"Wait, they're home already?!" She gasped

She quickly dragged them both to the entrance before [Y/n] propped Cece -who was not as delirious as he was before- up on two legs, and knocked on the door. As expected, she saw her father's face, which lit up as soon as he saw [Y/n].

"Oh, hey there [N/n]! Welcome home!"

"You're...Home early"

"Heh, yes well unfortunately, 'Bronycon' was cancelled due to bad weather conditions, so we had to turn around"

"Wow, [S/n] must've been really upset"

"She was at first, until I decided to cheer her up by stopping at a nearby toy store and buying that 'My little pony' toy she's been wanting for a while, an-"

Suddenly, [Y/n]'s father had just noticed Cece, who seemed to be staring at both of them.

"Um...Who's this?" 

[Y/n] looked over at Cece, and then back at her father and gave a small nervous smile.

"Oh! Um...Dad, this is Cece...He's my sorta-friend from school"

Her father smiled happily.

"Oh! You made another friend? That's great, [Y/n]"

Suddenly, he looked the boy up and down, and gave a strange look.

"Um...Why does he have ears and a tail?"

[Y/n]'s eyes widened as she looked over at Cece, his tail swishing to and fro.

"Sorry! My tail does this when I'm nervous or excited!" he muttered hastily in her ear.

"Oh, that's uh...He's just a furry! That's all!"

Her father stared for a second, seeming suspicious. Eventually he decided to drop it, and gave a polite smile.

"Would your friend like to come inside?"

Cece eagerly nodded his head as [Y/n] gave a small sigh of relief.

"Yes please!"

"Could he also have a few ice packs? He hit his head on the way here"

[Y/n]'s father nodded and let them both inside. Upon entry, they saw [S/n] playing with a toy, which [Y/n] assumed to be the one that was recently bought because it looked brand new. Only it didn't look like a pony at all, but rather some strange old chimera like creature.

"...Is that what people think horses look like?" Cece whispered.

"Trust me, there's other creatures in the show besides ponies...I know...I've had to sit through a few episodes..." [Y/n] whispered back.

Suddenly, [S/n] looked up at them, and her eyes lit up. She stood up, dropped her toy, and ran over to Cece, only to give him a big hug around his waist.


"You again?!" 

[Y/n] and her father looked over at him.

"Again?" [Y/n] asked, slightly concerned.

"Uh...Yeah...I uh...I think I saw 'er on the street before!"

The small girl looked up at him and shook her head.

"Nuh-uh! You were inside the house before! Upstairs!"

[Y/n] suddenly realized that she was probably talking about the time when Cartoon Cat broke into the house. After having a good look at her sister, she was thankful to see she wasn't missing any limbs...Or thankful to just see her alive in general.

Her father chuckled, and looked at Cece apologetically.

"You'll have to excuse her, she's been talking about this imaginary big tall black cat ever since we left home"

[S/n] pouted.

"He is NOT imaginary, Daddy! I saw him! I'm looking at him right no-"

[Y/n] suddenly clasped her hand over her sister's mouth and picked her up.

"Kids! They have the biggest imaginations ever! Can't take 'em anywhere, hehehe! H-How about we just go upstairs and hang out, while you take care of whatever you usually do around this time?"

"Nooooooo!!!!" [S/n] jeered through her sister's fingers.

"But what about the ice pa-"

"It can wait Dad, see ya!" [Y/n] replied before dragging Cece upstairs. Her father looked at [S/n], who was pouting and sighed.

"Wanna watch some T.V while I make dinner?"


[Y/n] made it to her room before releasing  Cece and breathed a sigh of relief as she closed the door. She looked over at Cece, who immediately changed back into Cartoon Cat.

"Okay, before anything else, did you hurt [S/n]?"

Cartoon Cat shook his head.

"Nah, even if I wanted to, she left before I would've had the chance."

[Y/n] pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed wearily, relieved that he didn't hurt her sister.

"Well either way, she now knows about you, and is now informing my Dad about your existence"

"Ah, don't worry about it, Tootsy! She's just a kid! Who's gonna listen to 'er? As long as your Dad's not suspicious, I think we're good!"

"Oh, don't get me started on my Dad! If he knew who you REALLY were, and what you did, he would ship you off the the FBI faster than you can say 'pumpernickel!"

Cartoon Cat rolled his cartoony eyes.

"If THAT happens, I'll just run away"

"And be lonely again?"

"Who said I wasn't taking you with me, Mousey?"

Cartoon Cat burst out laughing at the look of disbelief on his friend's face.

"Calm down, I'm only jokin'...Partially...Anyways, I'm bored, what do you wanna do?"

Trying to forget what he just said, [Y/n] looked around her room, looking for something they could both do.

'Videogames? No, he probably wouldn't know anything beyond the game mechanics of Pong or OXO...Hmm...'

Suddenly [Y/n]'s face lit up and she ran over to her closet. Cartoon Cat tilted his head to try and see what she was grabbing, and soon saw her holding a few discs in her hand; the discs her father made for her.

"Wanna watch these?"

A/N: Okay, so this chapter wasn't very interesting, which made it a bit hard for me to write-That, and temporary writer's block-, and I deeply apologize for that. But I promise! The next chapter will be MUCH more interesting! Because we meet someone NEW!!! And hopefully I'll get it done faster TwT. I love you all! See you in the next chapter!

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