Chapter Nine: Cat-Tastrophic Events

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Warning: This chapter contains very poorly written fighting scenes, the topic of suicide, sad flashbacks, and of course, bad writing skills! Read at your own risk. 

***s: Flashbacks

[Y/n] was startled by the ground suddenly shaking, and the sirens getting louder. She hid behind a tree and looked around, until she saw...A walking tree?

 "...I'm just seeing things" [Y/n] sniffed, shaking her head.

She sat in silence for a while before standing up, and walking back home, hoping the cat had finally left...Until she suddenly bumped into something very solid...Though it didn't feel like a tree.

"Agh! What the-?"

When [Y/n] looked up, she froze; a forty-foot tall humanoid creature was staring down at her, though how the giant could stare was beyond [Y/n] since it didn't seem to have eyes...In fact it didn't even have a face! Or a head! Just a fleshy pole with two sirens attached! Aside from the head, it seemed to be a tall, lanky giant, who's rib cage and overall skeleton could be seen through the rotten flesh coating it. Two thin wires connected from the two sirens seemed to wrap around it's body like two snakes, like it were a telephone pole. Overall; it almost looked human...almost. 

[Y/n] was about to speak, until suddenly, a ear-piercing sound blared through the sirens, knocking [Y/n] to the ground.

[Y/n] rubbed her now sore head, looking up just in time to the the beast's giant hand reaching down to grab her. She jumped up away from it, and ran like Hell.

"Shit, shit, SHIT!!! First a murderous pussycat, then a horse skeleton, and now THIS?! How many of these things are there?!"

It wasn't long before [Y/n] heard the creature's feet thumping after her. And from the sound of it, this thing was very, very fast.

"Why didn't I wear my running shoes?!"

[Y/n] suddenly had an idea; she suddenly bent down,  letting the creature run a bit ahead of her due to it's momentum. As soon as it did this, she hid behind tree. Tricking the creature as it turned around and ran the other direction, thinking it's where [Y/n] went.

[Y/n] held her hands over her mouth, fearing she might make a noise that could alert the monster. She had to get out of here, but it would surely hear her. If only she hadn't ran to the woods! Was this really the-

Her thoughts were interrupted as she suddenly saw her shadow being drowned out by a MUCH bigger one. She turned around and saw the beast crouching down behind her. She stood up to run, but as soon as the sirens blared once again, her ears began to ring as she fell to her knees. She was immediately grabbed by the monster's giant hand. [Y/n] panicked as she felt herself being lifted off the ground, only to come face to face with the monster. She was trapped! She thought about squirming and maybe biting the thing's hand, though she felt weak and dizzy from the loud noise. And even if she did escape like that, she'd still fall to her possible doom!

"This is it...I can't get out of this one...I'm gonna die..."

She closed her eyes, about to accept her death as she felt the creature's breath flow at her face...Until she suddenly heard the sirens again, and the hand the held her suddenly let her go. [Y/n] slowly blacked out as she fell, not able to see the plush, white surface her body hit; The now giant hand of Cartoon Cat! He grew to match the height of the beast that had been chasing poor [Y/n]. He put the unconscious girl on the ground gently, and looked the humanoid monster.

"Pickin' on a pretty lady, eh Sirens? Hate to break it to ya, pal, but this one's mine, and she's a good one...Just this once, why don't ya show some chivalry and let 'er go?..."

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