Chapter Five: New Classmate

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A tired [Y/n] was walking to school, tired from the day prior. She was still in shock; a nine-foot tall black cartoon cat actually exists! And it tried to kill and eat her...She had to go back for her sketchbook, which she never would've lost if it weren't for Alex's antics.

"Next time I see him, he'll have a space to rent between his shoulders" She threatened.

Suddenly she was tackled to the ground in a tight bear hug.

"[Y/N]!!! Oh thank God you're okay!!! I was afraid you went to that place and got murdered or raped, or SOMETHING!!!"

[Y/n] escaped her friend's hug.

"I'm fine. I told you, I'm a fast runner...And besides...N-Nothing happened" [Y/n] Replied, trying to sound nonchalant. [F/n] seemed to buy it.

"NEVER pull a stunt like that again, I am NOT loosing my best friend!!!"

[Y/n] nodded and continued walking to school, very tired, contrasting from [F/n] who seemed much more awake, yet nervous.

"Oh, I hope I did okay on the test, I didn't drink twelve cups of coffee in a week for FUN!!!"

"Yeah...I know"

Eventually they reached a deserted area outside the school; no security cameras, no signs, just an empty wall.

"We still have a few seconds before school starts, wanna stay and chat for a bit?"

[Y/n] shrugged.


And with that, the two girls sat there on the ground, waiting for the bell to ring, watching students pass by.

"So...What happened? At the mall I mean." [F/n] suddenly asked.

"Uh...well...not much, really! I..."

[Y/n] sighed and looked at her friend, a serious expression daunting her face.

"Promise you won't freak out or make fun of me?"

[F/n] smiled softly.

"Why would I make fun of you? You're my friend! As for worrying...I can't make any promises"

"Well...I was attacked...By a cat..."

"...That doesn't sound so-"

"A GIANT one! Nine-foot! Standing on two legs with the most horrible eyes! I swear, it tried to eat me!!!"

[F/n] looked at her, silent.

"Wow, she really IS crazy!!!" laughed an obnoxious,  familiar voice.

[Y/n] turned around to see Alex and his posse smirking at her. She clenched her fists tightly as her friend put a hand on her shoulder.

"[Y/n}, it's okay, just igno-"

But [Y/n] brushed [F/n]'s hand off and stood up; this was the last straw, she wasn't going to walk away from Alex's antics...not this time. She stomped over to Alex and poked him in the chest.


Alex pushed her hand away and laughed.

"Oh, c'mon, you're just angry that I scared you with a giant fake spider"

He patted [Y/n]'s head as though she were a child while his posse laughed.

"There's no such thing as a giant cat who's gonna eat you! Just-"

"Oh yes there is" Chuckled a voice that made [Y/n] freeze up, and her blood run cold.

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