A/N (I'm so sorry about this)

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IT'S BEEN SO LOOOOONG! SINCE LAST I'VE even updated this damn book, I am SO sorry about that! I'm also sorry to say that this is NOT a chapter, but rather a dumb author's note for all of you. So much has been happening lately! I've officially become a college student, which both sucks, and rules at the same time. I've also recently gotten sucked into the Ace Attorney fandom (And by recently I mean like, almost MONTH ago!), and it has consumed my life to the point where I have a bunch of Ace Attorney brain-rot living inside my head, HELP MEH! Anyways, this is mostly about me wanting to ask about your guys' opinion. Should I just make this a casual love story, or should I make it more action-packed? This is pretty much what's been making it hard for me to write all this time because I honestly don't know what to do with this story. I wrote the first few chapters, and just kinda winged it from there like an idiot. I've seen all your positive comments on this story, and I really don't want to give up this book because of them, and I feel like I need other voices and opinions to help this story continue, so please let me know your thoughts in the comments! I love you all, and I hope to update soon! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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