Chapter Three: What Was Left Behind

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A/n: Hey guys, (If anyone's reading this fanfic at all) The picture at the top is just my Human OC running away from Cartoon Cat. This is NOT what the reader looks like (Unless you want to look like this, which I kinda doubt) it's just here to show off what the reader's doing in this chapter, and show off my dreadful art skills. (I legit had to use a website called 'Piskel' to make this and other pictures...pathetic T-T) Hope you enjoy anyways!

[Y/n]: Your name

[H/l]: Hair length

[H/c]: Hair color

[E/c]: Eye colors

[Y/n] and Alex were paralyzed in fear as they beheld the monster before them. It loomed over them, it's crooked yellow smile almost as wide as their shoulders. [Y/n] was practically shaking; Yes, she was all for spooky scary and creepy stuff...when it wasn't REAL! The old music was louder than ever, and somehow sounded more eerie hearing it upon seeing this thing. 

"It's not...THAT scary...maybe it's...friendly?" [Y/n] thought with hope.

Suddenly the cat leaned down, it's neck's structure changing to that of a rubber hose as it tried to bite Alex's face, only getting his hat instead. [Y/n]'s eyes widened even more.

"Annnnnnd that hope just died..."

Suddenly, [Y/n] felt herself being pushed to the ground, the sound of loud quick footsteps pounding her her ears. She lifted her head, and her upper body up with arms and grit her teeth angrily as she saw Alex running away. 

"ALEX, YOU COWARDLY FUCKTARD!!!" [Y/n] shouted out after him, furious that he had pushed her, and basically left her here for death.  

She suddenly felt a pair of gloved hands grab her shoulders and hold her up. [Y/n]'s heart was fighting to burst out of her chest as she came face to face with the beast. It licked it's lips, most likely about to take a bite. 

Thinking fast, [Y/n] turned her head and bit down as hard as she could on the gloved hand grabbing her left shoulder. She was instantly dropped by the creature, now holding his hand in pain, granting her a few precious seconds to get a head start running away. Determined to get away from this horrifying feline, [Y/n] luckily remembered the way to the exit and began sprinting that direction as fast as her legs could carry her, using her flashlight as a guide. She could hear the beast running after her, which if anything, only made her run faster. 

Suddenly, her phone's ringtone suddenly came on, blaring from her phone loudly. It startled [Y/n], causing her to trip over something, falling to the ground. She cursed silently; she tripped over what looked like an old, broken fact looking around, there were at least eight-dozen of these cameras across the hall's floors; some looked old, some looked new. [Y/n] couldn't help but wonder why there were so many; she wasn't even in a store that sold cameras! Besides, wasn't this place supposed to be abandoned?

[Y/n] was snapped back into reality as she saw the cat catching up, so she did the first thing that came to mind; she opened her bag, grabbed the first hardcover book she felt, and threw it at her pursuer. And it worked! The cat stumbled back, buying [Y/n] time to stand up, and continue running.

[Y/n] was scared out of her wits as she suddenly realized...The smell of decay and cat urine, the dead rats, and the lack of bodies...this cat wasn't going to just kill her; it was going to EAT her!!!

Suddenly, the exit came into sight, and [Y/n] continued to sprint. The cat could be seen bounding on all four limbs, trying to gain up on her. [Y/n] was sure that she was a goner, and this was where she was to die...but thanks to pure luck, she managed to cross AND beat the cat to the threshold out of the dead mall and into the rainy night by mere seconds. But things weren't over as the cat spilled out of the mall to continue the chase. [Y/n] ran so fast and for so long that her legs and lungs BURNED, and she felt like she was about to vomit. But after a while, she had FINALLY escaped with her life as the cat slowly faded into the distance, and eventually disappearing behind her.

About a mile away from the mall on a grassy field, Y/n collapsed and breathed heavily. Her [H/l] [H/c] a tangled mess, her usually bright [E/c] eyes cloudy from exhaustion, and she wore a few small scratches and bruises on her body...mostly on her knees, but she made it out in one piece.

"...Huff...hah...ahh...Mental note...if you ever see Alex again...just KILL him!..." [Y/n] threatened quietly. 

She unzipped her bag to see what book she threw; was it science? history? Ma-

[Y/n] heart sank as she saw which book of hers was was her beloved sketchbook; her most prized possession.

" no no, this HAS to be a mistake!!!"

[Y/n] frantically searched through her bag for it, but it was no where to be was back the the Cat's lair, and like HELL would [Y/n] ever go back for it. Tears of frustration, anger, and sadness began to well up in her eyes; She had just lost a gift from her mother.


[Y/n]'s father was pacing rapidly; where had his daughter been?! She said she was going out to hang at [F/n]'s house, but she never said she was staying the night! He texted, and even tried to call her. but she never texted back, and that worried him.

"Please text back, PLEASE [Y/n]! I need to-"

Suddenly the front door opened, revealing a messy [Y/n]; one of her shoes was missing, and she was wet from the rain. Her father ran over and frowned, angry but relieved.

"[Y/N]!!! Where have you been?! Why didn't you answer my texts?! Why didn't you answer my call?! Do you have any idea how worried I-"

He stopped as he suddenly heard [Y/n] breathing heavily, little hiccups in between small sniffles; she was crying. He immediately forgot all about his anger.

"Oh [N/n], come here..." He cooed softly.

[Y/n] walked over and hugged her dad, slightly embarrassed about him seeing her cry, but mostly heartbroken.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"I...I-I lost Mom's's gone f-for good..." she whimpered.

[Y/n]'s father was shocked; no wonder she was so upset! That book was one of her favorite things in the whole world.

"Oh [Y/n]..."

Her father hugged her tighter as [Y/n] continued to sob softly into his shoulder...What could she do now?

A/n: Oh no! The sketchbook that was given to [Y/n] by her mother is gone forever!!!...Or is it? Thanks for reading, love you guys! (Again, probably no one's reading this T-T)

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