The Injury

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Aria looked around her at her surroundings. She wasn't used to being up so high in the city. Like heights were not her thing, but this was part of the mission and she had to deal with it. Peter had warned them about the bots that Mysterio was using. She needed to be aware of what was around her more now than she ever needed to before. If he wouldn't have outed Parker to the world, it wouldn't have become an Avengers problem but, now it had. 

Ronnie flexed her fingers, getting ready to fight alongside her teammates, who had somehow become family. She had been on her own now for so long, and now being apart of a group that treated her like family, well that was new. She had been on her own for so long before Happy came and recruited her for the Avengers. She had been living on the streets, fighting for food and trying not to let anyone at her college find out that she was homeless. 

"Nobody attacks without a word first. We have to work together against this guy. He's smart, and that makes him dangerous." Tony said through the coms.

"Understood," Ronnie replied, remaining at the ready.

"Got it boss." Aria said, her eyes fliting from one direction to the other.

"I got movement, top floor of the building." Clint said.

"Moving forward." Aria said, sliding down the side of the tall building.

One thing Aria was happy about was that she learned how to control her body enough that she could jump from building to building. If she could get on top of the bots, she could see where they were going. She was hoping they would lead back to the guy. She knew that it wasn't part of the plan, but if they could get the drop on this guy the better things would be. 

Ronnie took off after her, talking rapidly to Tony as she went. She knew that they would get in trouble for doing this, but other than protecting Peter, her one goal was to keep her best friend from doing something stupid. Ronnie knew she was about to do something completely stupid. 

"We're moving, I'm in pursuit of Aria," she babbled into her mic. "I'll keep you updated."

"Aria I said don't move!" Tony yelled.

Aria didn't respond, she was too busy focused on her breathing, preparing for the long jump that was in front of her. She could see Clint watching her out of the corner of her eye. As Clint watched he knew what she was going to do, and he shook his head. Aria was always putting herself in danger even when she didn't need to.

"Tony she's going to make the jump" Clint bellowed.

Ronnie skidded to a halt, keeping well back from Aria. She could never jump as well as Aria, so she wasn't about to risk it. Aria put all of her strength into her legs and threw herself forward landing on top of one of the bots. She grabbed onto it as tightly as she could, but it was too late. The bot had already started shaking, it was as if it knew she was there. It was shaking her like a dog shaking water out of its fur. She was going to slip, and no one would be there to catch her. All at once everything went into slow motion. The bot flipping upside down, Aria losing her grip, Aria starting to fall. It all felt like it was going frame by frame.

Aria didn't know what to do, she normally had a plan but this time she didn't. She was officially fucked. Frame by frame she saw herself getting closer and closer to the pavement below. She could hear yelling in the coms but it was so drawn out and disorientated, she couldn't understand what they were saying. 

"No!" Ronnie screamed, and flew into action.

She raced for the edge of the building, determined to do her best to save her friend even in the face of such obvious danger. She had lost enough people as it was, she couldn't lose her new family too. She didn't know what she was going to do, but she had to figure it out and fast. If someone didn't do something, Aria was going to fall to her death. 

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