The Big Question

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It had been exactly three months and fourteen days since the Hydra base attack. Everyone was still a bit on edge, waiting for Hydra to pop up, waiting for an attack. They were jumpy, always having their heads on a swivel when they were out and about. They felt like they couldn't go anywhere without at least two other people, they were terrified of their own shadows even though they had won.

Steve was still dealing with Aria's nightmares. Wanda had been doing her best to help her not only control her powers but also learn the last two. Thankfully they were using different ways then what Justin did. There was no torture, just a lot of meditation and looking within. While training with Aria, Wanda actually unlocked another power as well.

Thor was also having a hard time when it came to Ronnie. She wasn't sleeping well either. her nightmares weren't as bad as Aria's but they were there. He had stayed on earth longer than normal to help train his daughter. While he was on Asgard he had made her a weapon to help her point where she wanted her lighting to go. Hers was a long throwing spear that was decorated with gold leaves and vines.

Steve had been wondering around the compound while Aria was training with Wanda. He wanted to talk to Tony about a question that had been nagging at him for the past couple of weeks. He turned down the hallway and paced in front of Tony's office door. He took a deep breath and finally knocked on his door, holding his breath for an answer.

"Come in."

"Hey Tony, you got a few minutes?" Steve asked nervously.

"Sure, sit down."

Tony turned off his computer and came around and leaned against his desk. Tony knew that Steve never asked for anything, so if he was asking for time it had to be important. Steve sat down in the chair opposite from Tony and looked up at him. He twirled his fingers trying to figure out how he was going to word this. He didn't want to come off as disrespectful or rushed. He took a deep breath and went for it.

"Tony I want to marry your daughter."

Tony was silent, he knew this day would come eventually. Whether it was Steve or some other guy that Aria would have met, he knew this day was going to happen. He pursed his lips together and stared at Steve. Steve wasn't the worst that Aria could do, and of course no one would be good enough for his daughter. Tony knew that Steve made Aria happy, and that's all the Tony cared about. Steve started to get worried at the silence in the room.

"I would be delighted for you to marry my daughter. You make her very happy." he said, pulling Steve up into a hug.

Steve was ecstatic. That had gone over a lot smoother than he thought it would have. He thought there was going to be a fight about it, but Tony was glad about it. He could marry the girl he loved, and it made him happier that he had her fathers permission. She had always told him that in order for them to get married it was important to her for him to have her fathers blessing.

"So, Ronnie. What have you been up to lately?" Peter asked, digging his foot in the sand under the swing he was sitting on.

"Training with Dad, mostly," she replied, with a shrug.

It had taken her about three weeks to get used to calling him Dad and not Thor, but she had managed it. Her father had promised to take her to see her mother's grave next week and she was happy. She would get to meet her mother, even if she wasn't alive. She was also getting to meet her uncle and her grandmother, but sadly her grandfather still refused to see her.

"And watching films and reading too. You?"

"Just working with Aunt May in the soup kitchen, doing Spider-Man stuff. Hey, I have a question for you." He said, keeping his head down.

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