The Announcement

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"Ronnie, what about this one?" Steve said, pointing out a diamond.

Ronnie came over and peered down at the diamond Steve had pointed out. The diamond that Steve was pointing at was a big clunky diamond. Aria wasn't into big blingy jewelry, she liked the smaller, more petite stuff. Out of all the jewelry that Aria had, she didn't have anything huge other than a necklace that Pepper gave her before realizing she hated that kind of jewelry.  

Plus Aria had always worn gloves when they went on missions, so Ronnie knew that the ring that Steve was pointing out wouldn't work. She scrunched her nose up and turned to him shaking her head no. 

"No, that's not her style. Come over her, I found one that she is going to love."

She walked him over to a different display case and showed him the ring she had found. Steve walked around Ronnie and leaned over looking at the ring. It was a small 12 karat single diamond on a rose gold band, around the band it had little vines and leaves twisting around the band. It was small but beautiful. Steve put his arms around Ronnie and smiled. 

"She's going to love it!"

Ronnie giggled, putting her arm around his waist. Aria was like her sister, so she knew exactly what she liked. She was glad she came along to help, now Aria was going to have the perfect engagement ring. She was going to have the perfect ring, the perfect husband, the perfect life. She was more than happy for her friend. 

"Yeah, she is," she agreed.

"I'm glad that I brought you along. I figured I would have picked out the wrong thing, and I want this to be perfect." he said, waving over a cashier.

Ronnie watched the cashier approach. She was always one to help people, and this was going to be special to her best friend. Of course, it had to be perfect for her, and plus she wanted Steve to be happy too. Ever since her and Aria were little they had always talked about their perfect weddings. Everything from the biggest part to the smallest part was planned out to perfection in Arias eyes. 

"I'm happy to help," she replied. "You both deserve this. You both should be happy and in love with each other. I'm so happy for you both, I just realized I'm saying happy a lot." she said busting into a laugh.

Steve laughed with Ronnie then turned and pointed out which one that he wanted and told them the size. The cashier smiled at him and pulled it out and took it over to the measuring spot. Steve leaned against the wall waiting for her to be done sizing the ring. As he met her at the register to pay, his phone went off. It was Tony calling him, and that made Steve worried that Tony had spilled the beans.

"Please tell me you didn't fuck up already. I told you not even two hours ago."

Tony was clearly smiling when he answered Steve. Steve got worried about how all of this was going to go down now, if she caught on the surprise would be ruined. He wanted to still be able to ask today, but if Tony spilled the beans he would have to hide the ring and put it off for a couple of weeks. He wanted this to be a surprise.

"Nearly. You, um.... I'm avoiding her now, but she's going to come looking for me. Just come back here, alright? There are some things that you don't know quite yet."

"I just paid for the ring; I'll be on my way home in two seconds. Just keep avoiding her." he said, putting the ring box in his pocket and hanging up on Tony.

"Alright, we got to do this fast Ronnie before Tony blows it."

"Ok," Ronnie agreed. "Race you to the car."

Steve smiled and took off running. He easily caught up to Ronnie and giggled to himself. Ronnie knew he would catch up either way, he ran for his work out every day. There wasn't a single person in the compound that was able to beat him in a race.

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