The Ending Fight

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Tony walked into the conference room and looked around at everyone. Everyone was there from Natasha all the way down to Pepper. This was going to be one of their biggest missions yet. Aria was going to take down Justin, Clint was going to grab the Tesseract since upon return from the last mission, Ronnie found out that she dropped it. The rest of the Avengers were going to destroy the building as much as possible to keep Hydra from restarting at that base.

"So, this will be done in three teams. Team one has Aria, who will now be known as Stark. So, with her is Rodgers and Romanov. Team two has Barton, Odin and Odin, you three are to go after the Tesseract. Team three has myself, Banner, Maximoff, Parker, and our newest person, Barns."

Everyone turned around and Bucky entered the room. He was now apart of the team and would be helping them. Wanda explained about how after she broke Ronnie's brainwashing, she was able to break his. He was ready to help fight and end whatever Justin could be doing to other people. He wanted revenge just as much as everyone else did.

Ronnie was standing up straight, her shoulders back, and she kept throwing Thor happy glances. Even though three days had passed, during which they had all trained every waking hour, she still wasn't quite used to the reality of knowing who her father was. She didn't know if she would ever be used to it, but she could try and that's all that mattered. 

"I'm saying this now, Justin's mine. This whole thing ends with me and him." Aria said, standing up.

"Of course, Aria," Ronnie nodded. "I'm sure everyone here will keep him alive for you, should they encounter him." She looked around the room at everyone. "Right?"

Everyone nodded their heads. They knew how important this was to Aria, he had kidnapped her and forced Steve and Natasha to hurt her. This was the only way she was going to get full closure on it. Plus with everything he had done to her in the past, it all ends with her. She knew exactly the steps she was going to take to get back at everything. 

"So, are we ready to go now?" Ronnie asked eagerly.

"Avengers, let's begin this!" Tony said, curling his hand into a fist.

"In other words, Avengers, assemble." Steve said grabbing his shield.

Ronnie giggled and made for the door before anyone else. Aria slipped upstairs so she could get changed before they were to leave. She slipped into a set of black skinny jeans and a black tank top. After lacing up her boots she threw her hair into a ponytail and threw on the gloves that Natasha had given her for her birthday. Aria turned and looked at herself in the mirror. She was ready for this fight, ready to end it.

Ronnie followed her up the stairs too and began to get changed. Most of the clothes she had here were bought by Thor; she hadn't understood why at the time, but she had been so grateful to have someone who seemed to care for her. Now she did know why, and she still was grateful, of course. She pulled on jeans and short sleeved t-shirt. Then she adorned the necklace William had bought for her, for luck. It was, of course, the last thing he had ever bought her, and she swallowed, touching it gently as she stood in front of the mirror, staring at herself.

"You girls ready to go?" Tony yelled up the stairs.

Aria jumped a bit and ran out of the room and down the stairs. She knew she was ready to go and kick some massive ass and get revenge on them. She ran and stood next to her father and her boyfriend. Everyone looked at Aria as part way a leader with who she was and now her last name. She smiled at everyone hoping to put them at a little ease. Ronnie joined her downstairs and went and stood next to her father as well. 

"Ready," she said softly, still fiddling with her necklace.

Aria climbed into the car with her team. She put in her earpiece and cracked her knuckles. She was ready for this more than she thought she was. Once everyone was in their cars, they started the drive towards the base. Even after the last fight that happened there, everyone was still there. The building was back in one piece, and it looked like all the little ants were busy at work. None of them even expected the firebomb that was about to happen.

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