A Friendly Attack

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Steve and Tony were locked in a battle. As they were going around beating on each other, they were slowly destroying the compound. Nat was hanging out against the only non-broken wall just watching them. Wanda was standing with her, but she was getting tired of the destruction. Her eyes started to glow red, and her hands started to shimmer. She raised them, incasing both men in a cloud of red, yanking them apart from each other.

"If you two don't stop acting like dogs, I will start treating you like dogs." she said, putting them down.

Tony looked at her, his eyes wide. She had never used her powers against anyone other than the bad guys, and now she had used them on him. Steve shook his head and looked at Tony. She was right, they shouldn't be fighting. They should be working together to get Aria back.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be blaming you for her getting taken."

Tony turned his attention back to Steve. He never said anyone was right, but Wanda was right. He sighed and looked Steve in the eye.

"I'm sorry too," he muttered, finding it hard to even say those words, let alone add anything.

He had just never thought such a thing as this could ever happen. Wanda nodded her head, her eyes returning to their normal sky crystal blue. Natasha looked at the two of them and crossed her arms. She wanted more than just an apology. These two always went at each other one way or another, and even she was sick of it.

"Now hug."

"Hug?" Tony scoffed, turning his head to look at her.

"Yes, hug. You two are friends, teammates, brothers. Hug." Nat said, getting angry again.

Tony frowned and looked over at Steve. He wasn't the hugging type of person, but if Steve was willing to, so was he. Steve looked back and forth between Nat and Tony, that had to have been the weirdest thing Nat has ever made him done. He shrugged his shoulder and walked over to Tony and gave him a hug. Tony wrapped his arms around the other man and hugged him back.

Wanda turned to smile at Ronnie now that the two boys had made up. Her smile instantly dropped when she realized that Ronnie wasn't around. She walked around the room and up the stairs looking into her room. She wasn't there either, Wanda turned and sprinted down the stairs.

"Where is Ronnie?" she asked.

Everyone looked around finally realizing that Ronnie was gone. Steve looked at Tony and sighed. She used the opportunity and they all had failed to realize it. They should have known better, they should have known she was going to try and slip away to go and help Aria. She was putting herself in danger and being reckless. 

"She must have left while we were fighting."

Tony let out a groan, rubbing his fingers on the bridge of his nose. Not only was his daughter now missing, the daughter of the god of thunder was missing. He pulled out his phone and stepped into a private room to make some phone calls. He was going to need back up with this one.

Aria's POV

Aria winced in pain once she woke up from her latest blackout episode. Her body hurt and was covered in bruises. She didn't know what the day was, let alone what time it was. With the experiments that they were doing on her, she felt like she had been here for months, and who knows, maybe she had. She had been in and out of consciousness more now then she had when she first got here. Justin was pushing her harder than ever to unlock something in her. She sighed and sat up, silently cursing her ex for putting her through this again.

"Bucky?" she said, leaning against the door.

Ronnie woke to the sound of Aria's voice, calling out a name she didn't recognize. She was alive! She wasn't sure that she would be after that video. The way that it ended, Aria wasn't moving and there was a lot of blood. Everyone had thought the worst, and that's why she rushed out to find her friend. Now she was alive and Ronnie felt stupid for rushing out without the help of the others.

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