A Fatherly Talk

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Wanda arrived back at the compound after flying back from Sokovia. She opened the front door and was greeted by the crew. Everyone was talking all at once and she couldn't get a word out. She put her hands up, and everyone became quiet.

"This is happening because of one thing." She said, looking at Steve.

Steve sighed and showed her the letter like he did with everyone else. The writing was already found out to have been Justin's. Everyone had been shoved downstairs in the living room. The upstairs had been fully taken over, and now it was coming down the stairs. If something wasn't done soon, the compound would be fully taken over by this orb. 

"I'll take care of this." She said walking over to the orb.

Wanda reached her hand in, flinching in pain. The pain from the orb was like thousands of little knives dipped in a strong poison. It was painful and Wanda was trying not to scream out in pain. She couldn't let the others touch this, it would kill them at first touch. Ronnie watched her worriedly. She didn't want anyone dying, and when Wanda said, "Don't touch, you will die" she thought meant everyone. 

"Be careful," she whispered to her.

She didn't want to lose Aria, but she didn't want to lose Wanda, either. They were both good add on to the team, but they were also Ronnie's best friends. She needed both of them in her life, and she loved them both.

"I know what I'm doing."

She reached in farther. She started to cry, the emotions in this were so strong. There was pain, anguish, fear, wrath. She smiled as there was still love in there too, hope was not lost. That was the one emotion that she needed to be there. Even if it was one percent, it was still more than she needed. 

Ronnie crept forward a couple steps before stopping again, remembering Wanda telling her not to get too close, not to touch. Steve put his hand on Ronnie's shoulder. He knew the pain she was in; he was in it too. He loved Aria with all his heart and didn't like seeing her go through this. Ronnie turned to look up at Steve, and her lip curled, her eyes darkened, but she appreciated the comfort he offered, and so she didn't shrug him off or move away from him.

Steve knew that Ronnie was still upset with him for not telling about the letters sooner. He completely understood, but he wished that she would just forgive him. Ronnie returned her attention to Wanda and Aria, digging her nails into the palms of her hands, hoping that Wanda would succeed in helping her. Wanda pushed in harder. She pushed in with her whole body, forcing herself through the orb. She could feel every inch of Aria's pain. All the hurting and the anger, Wanda felt every piece of it.

"Aria, I know you're in pain sweetie. This isn't the way. Please come out." She said, breaking down into tears.

The rest of the group watched with Ronnie, all holding their breaths, hoping. Aria looked up at Wanda. She didn't understand how she was here, there was no possible way. Wanda looked down at her and smiled, brushing away her tears. Aria took her hand and stood up, holding her and crying on her shoulder.

"He kissed her." Aria sobbed into her shoulder.

"Hunny, they had a reason for it. Steve still loves you with every single ounce of his being." Wanda said, pulling away to look at her.

The orb started retracting, flowing up the stairs and into the room. It still encircled the room and flowed heavily around Aria and Wanda. Wanda held her close and brushed away her tears. The orb was steady before disappearing back into Aria. Her eyes returned to her baby blue eyes as she looked up at Wanda. 

"Hey, Aria," she said softly.

Aria's eyes landed on Steve and she gave a small sad grin. He smiled at her and opened his arms wide open to her. She thought she had lost him, and she never did. She took off running full sprint at him and jumped into his arms, he held her so close that they both couldn't breathe. Natasha walked over to the two of them and handed Aria the note that they had gotten.

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