A Blast from the Past

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Aria walked into Steve's room and smiled at him. After her accident they had been spending more time together and she was happy about that. After everything that happened, she wanted it so they could rebuild what had been slowly crumbling down around them. She was glad that he had chosen to go with her on her idea.

"Hey," Steve smiled from the bed.

At her appearance, he put down the book and held his arms out to her. She smiled and walked over to him, curling up in his arms. It was funny how a year ago this was how Tony had caught them. That's when he found out that they were dating, and he wasn't too happy about it. He got over it after a couple of months of yelling and trying to fight it. Steve curled his arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head and let out a sigh of bliss.

"How was the mission?" she asked, burying her head into his chest.

"Difficult," he said on another sigh, this one weary.

Aria sat up from Steve's arms and pulled him to where he was laying on his back. She moved to where she was straddling him and locked her ankles around his to where he couldn't move. She smirked as she leaned down and kissed him, moving from his lips down to his neck. She could feel his breaking start to pick up as she was tracing his chest, her nails dragging slowly across. She leaned up and looked at him and bit her lip. 

"You're not being very nice" he growled under his breath. 

She smirked and loosened her ankles letting him have free rain. He ran his hand up her back and slowly into her hair, puling her head back as he flipped them to where he was on top. She bit her lip and looked up at him, her body growing warm. 

"Stop biting that lip or I'm going to bite it for you." he purred in her ear. 

 Tony opened the bedroom door and stopped abruptly when he saw how they were. He cleared his throat to get their attention, hoping to break the sexual tension in the air. Both Aria and Steve jumped away from each other. Aria's face red as a tomato. 

"Stark let's go, you're up."

"Woah Tony, she's not ready." Steve said, standing up.

"Babe, I've been off the field for five months, I think I'm fine. Jarvis cleared me two months ago anyway." she said, taking his hand.

"I just don't think that's long enough," he replied, speaking to them both but looking at Tony, glaring at him almost.

"You have to let her go out at some point." Tony glared back.

"It's too early. She's not ready yet."

"Steve I'm not a baby. Plus I've been training my ass off while you're away on missions." Aria insisted.

"If it makes you feel better Rodgers, she's not going alone."

"Then who's going with her," Steve asked, as he released his grip on her.

He knew she wasn't a baby. He just didn't want to see her get hurt again, or even worse. He loved her with all his heart and to see her hurt again, that might just kill him. She was his whole world and losing her would in fact kill him.

"Ronnie is going with. It's their first mission on their own." Tony said waving the file around.

"Ronnie," Steve grunted. "Who couldn't keep her safe the last time? That doesn't exactly fill me with confidence, Tony."

"Hey, don't hold that against her. I'm the one who took off, it's not like she pushed me off the roof!" Aria said, twisting Steve around to face her.

Steve's mouth twitched in amusement. Oh, how he loved her! She always defended what she thought was right and always stood her ground. That was his favorite part about her. He still wasn't sure if he fully trusted this mission, something just didn't feel right.

Iron Heart's Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें