Chapter 5

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Toni waits outside the house on the driveway, holding her backpack by the top loop. It's no longer holding her entire life. Instead, it's just got an old notebook shoved into it, and maybe a pencil? Maybe?

There's never been much reason to try hard in school. She could understand most concepts pretty easily. And she knows she has to get a sports scholarship anyway. No way she could even dream to afford college, no matter how hard Dave wants to impress Toni with his money. She will not be indebted to him.

If I make it here that long, she thinks.

Toni looks up at the house with its three floors and its wraparound balcony. She exhales. It doesn't look as inviting as it was that first day.

God, that was only yesterday, Toni thinks.

Guess that's what happens when you start to know its occupants.

Shelby comes out of the house with her pink checkered backpack over one shoulder. She carries a lunch bag. No, a decorated lunch bag. With her name in swooping, fancy letters.

She pulls something out from under her arm. It's another brown bag.

With Toni's name. In the same, big-letter font.

"My mom's handwriting," Shelby reveals.

Toni takes the bag and immediately looks inside, because that's what really matters. Baby carrots, a peanut butter only sandwich. What does this family have against jelly? Toni thinks. She sifts around some more, finds a small bag of pretzels and a sweet apple fruit leather... for dessert?

"Wow, hungry already?" Shelby asks.


Toni sees a note in the bag. She immediately crumples the bag closed, a note from "Mom" is taking it too far. She goes to open the car door.

It's locked. She looks up at Shelby.

"I told you I wanted to talk," Shelby says. Not moving.

Toni groans.

"What, you itchin' to get to school?" Shelby smiles, clearly knowing that's not the case.

Toni shakes her head smiling, "Nah."

Martha was right. One word syllable answers.

Shelby stands her ground. "There's something—

Toni, getting more irritated, sighs, "I'm already going to stand out, I don't need to be shuffling into class tardy for the teacher to go, 'Oh look, who's this stranger?'" she recites, clearly a past experience. "Now unlock the car."

Toni looks up, "Please." Not posed as a question, she thinks.


Toni jumps in and lands into the nice seat of the Jeep. One thing this Goodkind family knows about is comfort. And upholstery.

"And before you say what I know you're already going to say, I'll save you the trouble," Toni starts.

Shelby's eyes widen.

"I won't talk to you during school, so stop bugging."

Shelby opens her mouth to retaliate, but Toni doesn't let her and says, "It's fine, I understand."

Shelby puts the car in drive. She bites on her lip, thinking of a way to keep any kind of conversation going. The only thing she decides to do is hand Toni the aux cord.

Toni furrows her eyebrows.

Shelby backs out of the driveway, and looks over to a stunned Toni as she's turning the wheel, "What?"

Is this the final stop? (Toni Shalifoe)Where stories live. Discover now