Chapter 15

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A/N: Quick thank you to Love_Albrecht for the cover and this chapter is to her because i had to pick one and this is the most important one i feel but again thank you

We had spent the night watching movies in Justin's living room with his mother, and we had enjoyed a lovely home cooked meal that I helped his mother make.

After his mother had headed to bed so did we. Justin had fallen asleep almost right away but I still hadn't been able to fall asleep.

I figited in his arms trying to get comfortable, he stirred in my arms and rubbed his eyes, "Clover?" He said his eyes finding mine in the dark. "Babe, what's wrong why aren't you asleep?" He asked sleepily.

"I... I just can't sleep," I mumbled not being able to tell him the truth. He held me tightly and began to humm the tune he had writen about us. My mind was wracked with guilt I needed to tell him and now, "Justin... there's something that I need to tell you, and I'm not completely sure what you will think," I mumbled slightly under my breath. I sat up my head in my hands taking a deep breath. Justing sat up as well and I could feel his gaze on me waiting for me to continue, "When you saw Kevin kiss me in the hallway... that wasn't the first time it happend."

"I figured as much," he mumbled with an edge in his voice.

"He came over the same day that I told you I needed time, he said that he knew something like that was going to happen and that he was there for me if I needed him," I said taking a deep breath, "I ended up kissing him, but that's not really where things ended he tried to take them further and when I stopped him he said that I shouldn't be so hung up on you because you didn't really care about me and that you had been planing something with asia all along. He said he overheard you guys and that's why he started to hang out with me again so that he could protect me and that he was in love with me."

*flash back*

"Clover I love you, that's why I've been trying to protect you," he said trying to put his arms around me and hold me to him.

I felt desgusted in his arms he had just tried to take my shirt off and was now telling me that he loved me.

On top of that I couldn't believe that Justin would do any of the things Kevin had accused him of. "No kevin just stop," I said pushing his arms away from me. I didn't want him touching me.

"I'm sorry Clover, please just talk to me atleast," he said this time not attempting any form of physical contact sensing my disgust.

I took a deep breath, "just leave," I said walking back to my room away from him.

I heared the door slam shut and I knew he had left.

*end flash back*

Justin was sat there listening not moving at all and not looking at me, "he called me later and apologized for his actions and what he did. He pretty much begged for my forgivness and I couldn't keep it from him. He seemed like he genuinly cared and I couldn't hate him. We hung out after that and slowly I began telling him things not anything close to what you know but the things about my dad and my mom yes..." I choked up a little not able to continue.

"Did he ever spend the night?" Justin asked and I could here the venom in his voice, he probably hated me so much right now.

"Yes once but that was it," Justin turned away at my words. "Please don't be mad at me," I whispered feeling hot tears gather in my eyes at the expression on his face. He looked desgusted and I knew that it was at me.

Sudenly he turned around looking at me now with concern, "Clover no I'm not mad at you, please don't cry," he said pulling me into his arms his voice losing that venom and edge it held before. I had been so scared in that second that I thought he hated me that I couldn't tell him the other part I couldn't bare the idea of him hating me or blaming himself for what I did.

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