Chapter 2

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The next few days went by crazy fast we already had the viewing and the funeral. I hadn’t been in school for eight days and I had still kept up with all of the work. The school had exempt me and Jess from attendance but we still had to do the work some of our teachers sent home. When I finally had to go back to school I was worried I wouldn’t know how to act.

I woke up the same as I always did but a little more hesitant then usual. I took a shower and changed into a black shirt with a panda face and arms holding a stick of bamboo with ninja stars in the corner, typical black skinny jeans, black and white converse, and my black veil brides army dog tags.

I went to the kitchen and got a granola bar and a banana. I walked out of the door and headed to school. I put in my head phones and turned the music up all the way I blasted bvb all the way to school and even when I got there. I just didn’t feel like being around anyone yet.

I went to my locker and got all the stuff I needed for the first three periods and put away the stuff I wouldn’t need till later. I waited for the locker to slam shut and it didn’t. I sighed he was probably off sucking face with Asia, why did I even care I didn’t want to be around any one. I closed it and went to first period.

I still had the music blasting. I didn’t even need to pay attention I had already covered this whole chapter when I was at home and I had all the work to turn in to show it. When the bell rang I took the earphones out and walked to the teachers desk I gave her the biology work that I had done and she gave me a sympathetic smile but didn’t say anything.

I walked out placing the head phones back in. I went to my locker and still he didn’t bother me and I didn’t bother looking to see if he was even here today. I walked to Jazz and she gave me a hug but didn’t say anything I walked with her to math class I gave the teacher the work and went to my seat.

Again I sat there and didn’t pay attention since I had done all of the work already. Throughout the whole day I was fine and when I got to lunch I got a tray and told Jazz that I didn’t want to eat inside today that I needed some time alone to think about some stuff.

Stuff like the new additions to my arm. I thought about covering them maybe that would be smart because I don’t think that people are going to be blind forever I sat in the grass by the doors and ate the food just thinking about what would happen if someone had seen them.

I thought about what the reactions would be and then I thought about Justin seeing them what would he say. Why was I even thinking about this I mean again I didn’t even like him why would I want him to see them. I finished my food and threw the foam tray away along with the plastic utensils this school was so cheep sometimes.

I sighed and went to my locker to get my jacket. I put it on and went to the bathroom, what I found in there was not what I wanted to see. Asia was Pressed up against Justin and they where swallowing each other. “What you couldn’t find somewhere else to do that,” I said as they both looked at me.

Asia gave me a disgusted look, “Well look who came back to school if it isn’t the biggest nerd in the whole school,” she said Justin stood there like an idiot he looked like he had been caught cheating or something that made me laugh.

“Well I’d rather be a nerd and get out of this place then get knocked-up in a restroom and left alone with a crying baby nine months later,” that really pissed her off. She stepped up to me and slapped me.

That set me off every thing that I had been holding in the past eight days exploded and I was about to attack her and I did. I had a hold of her hair or should I say her extensions and was about to ripe them right out when Justin grabbed me and held me back.

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