Chapter 3

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When the bell rang for sixth period to be released I got up and we both walked to my locker. He looked concerned, I gave him a hug and went to class still not saying anything.

I spent the rest of the day thinking about how my life has changed and how I would just like to get out of this place. I forced myself to get back to the way I was before and when I got home I changed into my pink and black zebra pajama shorts with matching shirt that has a zebra on it, I took my shoes off leaving my socks on.

I sat at my desk and started to do the work I was assigned when I realized that I had already done it I closed the book and laid down on my bed I wasn’t tired and I didn’t feel like watching TV so I texted Jazz I hadn’t talked to her in days.

ME: hey

JAZZ: hey wats up I feel lyk I hvnt tlkd u n days

ME: thts cuz u hvnt well I hvnt tlkd 2 u n days ive jus been so distracted frm evry thin

JAZZ: nt frm Justin I hear ;)

ME: stuf nothin is goin on wif us he was jus there I guess

JAZZ: well I stll thnk u shed giv him a chance

ME: 2 bad thts nt guna happen

JAZZ: y nt he is really sweet

ME: try annoying I wldnt of spnt any tym wif him if he wsnt there wen I was cryin

JAZZ: so wut happened btwn u 2

ME: lng stry meet me @ da prk nd ill tell u all of it

JAZZ: kk  c ya n 5.

I closed my phone and changed quickly into a tank top with jean shorts. I threw my flip flops on and I walk down the hall and see my mom sitting at the table. “I’m going to the park be back in like an hour.”

 “OK that’s fine,” she said I gave her a hug and walked out of the door. I think that is the first time I talked to my mom in a while. She has been distracted a lot. I walked to the park that was only a block away. 

When I got there Jazz was sitting on the swings that we always met at. “Hey,” I said and she gave me a hug.

 “So tell me this story,” she said as she pushed the swing to me. I sat down and told her the story about Asia in the bathroom about the insults that where thrown she laughed at mine. “Wait so you almost pulled her hair out that is crazy.” we both laughed and it felt good to laugh again.

I told her the rest of the story about the cuts and about what he said. She took my arm and looked at them she knew I had done it a few times before but she looked mad, “These are recent, Clover you told me you stopped.”

“I know that and I’m sorry that I lied about it but this time I threw them away. I really don’t want to do it and I’m done.” 

“This better not be like last time.” 

“I swear its not,” I said we did our promise shake and she smiled. 

“So he knows now is he going to tell any one,” she asked looking worried. 

“I’m not sure,” I said looking down at my feet and I rocked back and forth on my tip toes. It was getting late so we said goodbye and walked our separate ways. When I got home I changed back into my pajamas and went to bed. 

I woke up and did my morning routine putting on a blue shirt with a cake on it tat says “you want a piece of me”, black skinny jeans, converse boots, black and white studded belt, black veil brides dog tags and rubber bracelets. 

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