Chapter 11

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I finished the soup actually feeling like it might stay down and Justin was now lying on my bed with me. There was no sound in the room and neither of us spoke a word. My eyelids were feeling heavy but I was fighting to stay awake since I didn’t want to miss any time with Justin. I knew that it wasn’t that big of a deal that he was here because he had been here before with me but this time something in me made me want to take the time and just enjoy it.

Justin held me with one arm around my torso and the other tucked under his head. My head rested on his chest rising and falling as he breathed the sound of his heart beat lulling me further into the waiting sleep. I looked at his face and he seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

His expression worried me slightly; I had only just accepted my feelings for him so I didn’t want anything getting in the way of finally being with him. I leaned my head up and kissed his cheek lightly, smiling as he looked down at me. A small smile on his face, “If you're sleepy then you can go to sleep I won’t leave unless you want me to,” he said reading the exhaustion on my face. I smiled again as he leaned down pressing his lips to my forehead, “Sleep,” he whispered into my ear. He began to hum lightly; I placed my head back down and listened to his heartbeat and humming closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.


I was fighting with myself on if I should ask her. Part of me believed that it was none of my business but the other part wanted to know so bad that it was killing me.

Clover stirred in my arms and I felt her place her lips to my cheek. As I looked down at her I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. I could tell she was worn out from being sick and she was on the verge of falling asleep right there. “If you're sleepy then you can go to sleep I won’t leave unless you want me to,” I said leaning down and pressing my lips to her forehead felling a slight fever still.

I could see the protest in her eyes knowing she didn’t want to give into the sleep, “Sleep,” I whispered quietly into her ear and began to hum a random tune that had been stuck in my head for a while now. I wasn’t sure that it was a real song maybe just random notes that my mind strung together.

I waited till I was sure she was asleep to take my eyes off of her. I looked back to the ceiling fighting with myself again. I told myself that it didn’t matter what happened between them because she was mine now and it wouldn’t happen again if anything did in fact happen.

I sighed to myself, I couldn’t keep her from seeing him if she really wanted to but I could keep her from being alone with him. I took a deep breath trying to clear my mind and focus only on the feeling of her breathing and the subtle feeling of her heartbeat.

I closed my eyes and let my mind wander to more happy things. Things like the girl I now held in my arms and how things would finally get better for the both of us. She was so much stronger then she thought she was, and I knew that she would realize that soon she just needed the time to distance herself from her mistakes and give herself time to be happy.

My mind drifted off and I soon found myself asleep. I woke-up a few hours later. Her room was dark no light but the subtle blue of the moon. I took my phone off her bedside table and looked at the time. It was 12 AM great I forgot to tell my mom that I was even here she was probably worried sick.

Clover moved over giving me room to move my arm and get off the bed. I went to the hall way and called my mom. “Justin where are you?” she asked sounding worried and mad.

“I’m at Clover's I came over after school because she was sick and her mom is out of town. I sorry I forgot to call we fell asleep.”

“OK don’t let it happen again. Are you going to stay the rest of the night?”

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