Chapter 1

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I woke up to the song fallen angles by black veil brides. I sighed and let the song play out, Junior year an I already felt like my life was an endless routine. I got up and just before it ended I shut the alarm off so it wouldn't go off again. I turned on the music player on my phone and took it into the bathroom with me and hooked it up to the speakers. I showered quickly and got out I dried off. I got dressed in a gray shirt that had a black butterfly on it with a bow in the corner on the neck line, black skinny jeans, converse boots and a necklace that says love in black letters.

I let my hair air dry and curl up. I put on some lip gloss and that was it no other make-up because I didn't need it. I grabbed my bag and skipped down the hall to the kitchen. My mom was in there getting food ready for my dad. I got an apple from the icebox and a bottle of water.

I left with out my mom noticing me once. She didn't need to worry about me so I didn't distract her from tending to my dad. I walked to school. It was four blocks away but I liked walking. I ate the apple and drink the water.

When I got to school I threw them away and walked to my locker. It was open and I was taking papers out of my bag and putting two books in when it was slammed shut causing every one around me to jump but not me since I had been waiting for it to happen.

"What do you want Justin?" I sighed angrily.

"Good morning beautiful," he said trying to put his arms around me.

I backed away and closed my bag. I blew him off the same as I always did. Why didn't he get it, I wanted him to just leave me alone. Or at least would stop hitting on me and just talk to me. I rolled my eyes and walked to first period. I sat down and took out my homework.

I got through the lesson and paid attention even though I had been through this same chapter twenty times when I was studding. After class I went buy my locker and dropped off my book and closed it. I met up with Jasmine and we walked to second period.

"So how many times has he hit on you today?" she asked not even bothering with his name since we both knew who she was talking about.

"Once and I'm guessing that's why," I said pointing to Justin and Asia, his girlfriend. Sometimes he would hit on me when ever he saw me but when Asia was there he wouldn't even know I existed. It was weird that he acted that way and it pissed me off a lot. I felt special when he would hit on me because other then Asia I was the only girl he flirted with. Sure he looked at other girls but me and Asia where the only ones he hit on or flirted with. Yeah he is weird. I rolled my eyes and we went to class math my favorite subject. I sat down and then got to work on the worksheet.

~Skip To Lunch~ I walked in with Jazz. We got our food and when to sit with my sister like we always did. When we finished lunch we went outside with every one else and talked to our friends.

Justin walked up with his friends and sat next to me. "Hey beautiful," he said putting his arm around me.

"Hey sexy," I said messing with him, he always fell right into it.

"Well wasn't expecting that response," he said pulling me closer.

"What don't you like it when I flirt back," I said in a flirty yet annoyed tone.

"No, I do," he said about to kiss my neck.

I stood up and turned around seeing him confused and the realizing he had fallen for it again. I rolled my eyes and me and my friends walked away.

The rest of the day went by fast and soon it was time to walk home. My sister didn't live with me or I would if been walking with her. She was living with her friend because she couldn't handle the home situation.

I got home and went to see dad he looked worse then he did yesterday and I knew he wouldn't last much longer. A silent tear fell down my face and I left to my room. I changed into my pajamas and immediately began my homework. As I scribbled down the answers to the math homework.

I turned the page and the red lines caught my attention. Barely a week old and still not one person has seen them. They are never covered because they don't stand out or something because nobody has ever said anything about them. I turned the page and continued to work when I finished all of my homework I went down the hall and got something to eat I got food and went back to my room for the night.

I woke up in the morning in the same fashion I did yesterday and every other day to be exact.

I got dressed in a purple shirt that had a minion on it and said "gasp!" with black skinny jeans, black low cut converse with purple laces and trim, and finally my necklace that has a white robot hanging from the chain.

I walked down the hall and saw my sister in the kitchen. "Hey Jess what are you doing here?" she looked at me with sad eyes.

"We're not going to school today," was all she said as another tear rolled down her face.

"What why not?" I asked confused and worried.

"Mom is afraid that its time so she doesn't want us to have to be at school when we find out." she said giving me a hug.

"But what about Sophia and Isabel their both in California what are they going to do."

"Well they both got a flight out and they will be here this afternoon," she said.

I took in every thing she was saying and wanted to cry. I would finally get to see my older sisters Sophia and Isabel but not under happy terms. They had both moved to California when Sophia had graduated and we didn't get to see them very often, and to have to see them like this it would really ruin a good chance. I went back to my room and threw myself on the bed. I reached under and found my poem journal and took it out. I grabbed my pen and began to scribble words down.


She looks around with tired eyes

Wondering where her life has gone

Darkness lingers in her heart

Released only by the slice of a silver blade

Faded scar from a week before

And an empty heart once more

Open to the world covered only by a veil of air

Still over looked unseen by all

A silent wish to be saved from herself

Saved by someone who cares

For people to realize she is here

To give her the love and support she needs

When I wrote the last words tears fell down my cheeks. I saw the red lines on my arm still healing. I wrote at the top of the paper, Some One Who Cares. (This is actually a poem that I wrote in real life I just used it in this story.)

I closed the journal and put it back. I got up and went to get something to eat. To my surprise my mom had actually made breakfast today. She made waffles eggs and bacon. I took my plate and ate at the table.

The rest of the day was silent not a word spoken between us. I was in my room when I heard the doorbell I went to see who it was and saw Sophia with a tear stained face hug Jessica and behind her was Isabel I ran and gave both of them a hug we all cried.

My mom came in and saw us she hugged them and then we went into my dads room where we could see he was fading fast we didn't have much more time with him. I cried more seeing him like this it was sad that the cancer was finally going to beat him. We all cried together till late at night. I went to bed with a headache.

The next few days weren't any better we waited basically. There were doctors in and out of the house all day and then when Friday rolled around I woke up to my sister Sophia shaking me, "Come on mom needs us," she said I took her hand and we walked down the hall to my dads room they were all gathered around him waiting. There was a nurse there with her watch saying some words that I didn't pay attention to, and when it finally happened we cried more I didn't think I would ever be out of tears.

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