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The trees whizzed past and I took a deep breath. Its been a long eight months I had missed everyone terribly but I knew I needed the time away to focus on getting better. They had me on a strict lock down I wasn't able to see or talk to anyone in any way but the only thing I could think while I was in there was what I would do when I saw Justin.

There were so many possibilities on how it could go seeing as I hadn't seen him before I left I didn't know if he was mad at me or what he felt. He had saved my life but I wasn't sure he could still be in love with me the way I was with him. Its been eight months and any thing could have happened.

The car pulled to a stop I was going to be taking a train back home and my counselor would be accompanying me on this trip in order to see that I made it there safely. The two of us got out of the car and stacy my counselor got my bags out of the back. We went to the platform and waited in the crowd as everyone boarded the train.

I stayed silent the whole time cared of what my voice would sound like and stacy didn't try to force conversation either.

We took our seats and I took a deep breath one more hour and I would be home. As the train started forward and everyone messed with their cellphones I looked around sadly. I pulled back the sleeve of my shirt examining the scars that would forever mark my skin.

I looked at them with out the urge and I felt good about that but the scars would forever be a disfiguring mark.

"Ticket miss," a tall man in a uniform asked. I pulled out my ticket and flashed it to the man. He continued down the isle and I pulled out my iPod plugging in the headphones and listening to the music I had been deprived of for eight months.

I closed my eyes as the opening notes of over again by one direction played to my ears.

"Clover we're here," stacy said shaking me slightly.

I stood up and tried not to fall over in my sleepy state. I shook my head clearing the sleep away and grabbing my bags from the top shelf. We exited the train and she walked me into the station. She gave me a hug and went to find her next train seeing as she was picking up a new patient in the next town over.

She told me someone was going to be picking me up but she never said who. I wondered around aimlessly tying to spot someone I knew.

"Clover?" A familiar voice asked.

I slowly turned on my heal seeing Justin for the first time in eight months. I stood there for a second before running into his arms and holding him tight. He hugged me back kidding my hair, "we should get you home," he said pulling away and taking my hand.

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