Chapter 8

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He kissed me and was still kissing me. I was wondering when this would happen but since he had avoided me all day I figured the chances were nonexistent but I was wrong. He was kissing me and I was kissing back. 

At first my brain told me to stop and  told me that he didn’t mean any of it, but when our lips met and I could finally feel that he was kissing me and he meant it I kissed back. I ignored all the warnings that were thrown at me by my brain and listened only to my heart I loved him. I loved him now more then ever. 

The sensation didn’t last long because of my damn logical side it couldn’t let me believe that he could feel this way that I could feel this way. I couldn’t breath or think straight. 

I pushed him away from me , “You should go,” I said running to my room as fast as I could hopping that he didn’t follow me.  I opened my door quickly closing it behind me. 

I slid down the door not being able to catch my breath yet. I heard a knock on the door, “Clover please talk to me,” Justin's voice echoed through the hollow door. 

I couldn’t speak I sat there trying to breath. I heard his footsteps fade down the hall and then the front door open and close. I wasn’t sure what happened but I know that it wasn’t what either of us expected. 

I placed my head in my hands and it was then that I realized that I had been crying. I silently hopped that he hadn’t seen me cry. I stood up and went into the bathroom. I was still having trouble breathing but I needed to calm down. 

I undressed quickly and climbed into the shower. I had the water on hot, still sobbing a little. When I finally got out I could breath but I was still a little upset. It was like a sudden bolder hit me and I didn’t know what to do about it. 

Could he really of meant what he said did he really feel this way about me. There was no way you don’t just all of a sudden know you love someone he would of said something before, right. 

I was starting to feel panicky again and like I couldn’t breath. I decided it was best if I went to sleep for the night. I got dressed in some regular pajamas and just fell asleep. I woke-up in the morning to the sun filling room. 

It was Saturday that’s right, I got out of bed and went to the kitchen I looked in the refrigerator for something to eat but couldn’t see anything I felt like making. I heard my phone from the living room I must have left it there. 

I picked it up off the table and looked at my messages seven from Justin, accompanied by four missed calls, two from Justin and two from my mom. 

I hit the send button and called my mom. She answered after a while, “Hello,” she said in a sleepy voice. 

“Hey mom what did you call for?” 

“Well I called last night to check in on you but you didn’t answer.” 

“I fell asleep right after I got home I’m sorry.” 

“Its OK as long as you're fine.” 

“I am.” 

“OK  well ill see you tomorrow night then.” 

“OK bye mom love you.” 

“Love you too bye.” I hung up and went to check the text messages. 

JUSTIN: (1)what happened are you OK (2) I’m really worried I want to know what happened. (3) you haven’t answered your phone whats wrong, (4) Clover are you mad at me... I understand if you don’t feel the same way I’m sorry. 

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