Chapter 5

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I closed the drawer and went to my room. I laid down and looked out the window. I felt my phone vibrate and I picked it up. It was a text from Justin. 

JUSTIN: hey where were you at lunch? 

ME: library I didn’t feel like eating. 

JUSTIN: are you OK your not sick are you? 

ME: no I’m not sick I just wasn’t hungry is all.

 JUSTIN: OK well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out 

ME: I don’t really feel like going any where but you can come over if you want. 

JUSTIN: sounds good ill be over in a few see you soon. 

ME: kk. 

I was happy that he was coming over I feel like since we decided to become friends we haven’t had the chance to really talk. 

I sat my phone to the side and went to my closet. I changed out of my school clothes and into a black tank top with hello kitty boxer pajama shorts, and pink and black stripped knee high socks. I made sure I kept my jacket so that my arms would be covered. 

I threw on the silly bands instead of regular rubber bands. I figured it was less weird. 

I put my hair into a low side ponytail to keep it out of the way. I heard a knock on the front door and went to the living room, why didn’t any one use doorbells any more. I opened the door and greeted Justin. “Hey come on in,” I said stepping to the side. 

He was wearing a plain black shirt, his dog tags, dark skinny jeans and Nike’s He came in and gave me a hug, “So what do you want to do?” he asked. 

“Want to watch a movie?” I asked. 

“Sure,” he said, I took his hand and we went to my room.  I put on a movie and we sat together on my bed. The movie was some old one that I had seen a few times. I didn’t really want to watch it but it was nice to just sit with him for once. 

He put his arm around me and I moved closer to him. I laid my head on his shoulder, and put my hand on his chest. It was nice, he smelled like axe spray. 

We finished the movie and were just talking about random stuff. Mostly things from when we were younger. We talked about the times when him and Ryan would come over and my mom would send us into the back yard to play so we wouldn’t bother her. 

We laughed about my sister and Ryan’s brother. We laughed about every thing. It was good to get to remember good times. It made me happy and at the same time sad that all of that was gone. We were talking about something and his hand was holding my wrist. He held it a little tight and I flinched. “What’s wrong?” he asked. 

He let go and looked at my wrist. He pulled up the sleeve and looked shocked to see the new cuts. We were sitting up and he looked really mad, “I’m sorry,” I mumbled. 

“Clover you don’t have to be sorry I’m just worried about you.” he took me in his arms and I began to cry.

“I’m going to stop I want to stop.” I said in a determined voice. 

“If you need any help then I will help you,” he said holding me tighter. 

“Thank you,” I said. I looked up at him, at his lips. I wanted to kiss him, but I didn’t. my phone rang and I knew it was my mom. I pulled away and I answered it. “Hello?” 

“Hey sweaty, I’m going to be home a little later I’m at your aunts house visiting with them.” 

“OK that’s fine.” 

“I might just spend the night its getting late and we’re drinking so ill see you in the morning I guess.”

“Alright.” I said a little sad. She said she loved me and hung up. I didn’t like it that she was drinking, and I didn’t like that she wasn’t home I didn’t like being home alone. 

“Who was that?” Justin asked. 

“My mom she isn’t going to come home to night she’s at my aunts house so I’m home alone.” I said looking at him a little sad. He gave me a hug, “Do you think you could stay with me? I don’t really like being here alone.” 

“Ill stay but I have to call my mom to tell her.” 

“Thank you,” I gave him a hug and he got up and went out to the hall. 


I really wanted to stay but I wasn’t sure what my mom would say. I didn’t think that being left alone would help her at all. I took out my phone and called my mom. “Hey mom.” 

“Hey sweaty, where are you?” she asked.

“I’m at clovers, and I have something to ask.” I said a bit cautious.

“What is it?” 

“Well her mom isn’t going to be here tonight and she doesn’t want to be alone could I stay the night?” 


“I promise its nothing like that she just doesn’t want to be alone. Nothing is going to happen I promise.” 

“OK I trust you but I want you to call me when you wake up and when you two get to school in the morning,”

“Thank you and don’t worry I will I promise.”

 “OK love you, bye.”

“Love you too bye mom.” I hung up and went back into the room. 


When Justin left the room I sat down on my bed and flipped through the channels. He came back into the room, “What did she say?” I asked a little nervous. I really didn’t want to be home alone. 

“She said it would be OK” he said I gave him a hug and he pulled away. “But I have to go get some stuff from my house, so do you think you’ll be OK for like thirty minutes?” 

“Yeah its fine,” I said he smiled. I walked him to the door and gave him a hug before he left. I went to my room and sat down on my bed. I got a text from Justin asking if I wanted him to pick any thing up to eat. I told him that sounds good. I was feeling a little hungry so I would try to eat something. 

When he got back he had brought a pizza and we watched another movie. Around ten I started to get sleepy. Justin went to take a shower and change, I fixed the bed and climbed under the blankets. Justin came out of the bath room. “I smell like a chick,” he said plopping down on the bed. 

“Hey no one said use my scented soap,” I said laughing at him. 

“Oh well it smells good, but its really distracting.” 

“So is guy cologne,” I said. 

“Touché,” he said laughing. I turned off the TV and the lamp next to my bed. He put his arm around me and we fell asleep.

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