[Chapter 10]

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"Yes, please," you replied, determined. He nodded his head and turned back to the wounded feline.

"He's likely lost about 1/4th a pint of blood," he told you, analyzing the wound. "If that amount doubles, it'll die."

You felt your heart sink at the thought, and your gaze faltered. But you continued to listen along.

"If the object hits an artery, the rate of blood loss will be very fast. Fatal exsanguination from an arterial wound may only take 20 seconds to a couple of minutes to kill. If we don't work quickly enough," he looked down at the cat. "It'll go into shock."

You held down the animal as he instructed, and the adult male carefully, with skill, broke off one end of the stake using a strong medical instrument. Then he cautiously extracted the stake, along with any excess shrapnel that had made its way in.

Blood suddenly began gushing out, and you closed your eyes shut at the sight. You had never been in an operation like this before and had certainly never seen this much blood. The male's eyes traveled up to you for a moment, before looking down back at the feline. He quickly applied pressure to its wounds to slow down, or completely stop blood flow.

He then used certain fluids to clean the wound, and then a saline solution. Finally, he dried the wound and closed it. Then he dressed the wound.

A cough from the man signified that he was done. You slowly opened your eyes to see the cat sleeping, and safe. But the table was a complete mess.

The adult male removed his gloves, washed his hands, and gently picked up the cat. While you quietly cleaned up the mess, he went and placed the feline in a softer, and comfier spot.

The entire procedure itself was fast-paced. But to you, it felt like a long time. You shook the thought of all the blood out of your head. Thanks to the dark-haired male's skillfulness, and resolve, the two of you could save the cat. And you were ever so thankful.

You got up on your tippy-toes to place something back on a shelf, but you couldn't reach it. The adult came from behind you and placed it for you.

"Thank you," you murmured softly, and turned around. You then looked up into the dark abyss of his eyes, as he gazed back down at you, his body an inch away from yours. You could feel the heat emanating from him, and his warm breaths. You could see his features in detail now. Smooth skin, and a sharp jawline. Black hair that fell messily beside his eyes, and how he dominated you in height and size. His black sleeves were rolled up, revealing his lean arms.

You smiled up at him as he looked at you, before he stepped back. He just remained silent and looked down. That's when you realized you still had his coat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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