Return of the Kings, Part 1

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Catherine's POV

"Come on, Catherine! Everyone's gathered in the front, we have to hurry! Dad's leaving soon!" Mikayla insisted. 

"I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying!" I groaned out. 

We both ran out into the front just in time for my dad to start talking to the crowd.

"People of Kinkow, it is finally time to bring home our twin kings, the Kings of Legend, who will lead our island into a new era of greatness! Behold! The twin kings!" My dad spoke in his mega-deep voice.

The crowd cheered and clapped at this, I could tell everyone was ready to have these new Kings here, including me. Without the kings, no one has been able to make decisions on big issues so having them here will be good. 

Dad came over and gave me and Mikayla a quick kiss on the head before getting on the balloon with some other guards and taking off to find the kings.


"Catherine! Mikayla!" A guard shouted down to us from the castle foyer. We were on the beach trying to collect seashells for the arrival of the Kings. 

We both look up at the wall and stand up immediately.

"Are they back already?" I ask out to the guard. He nodded in confirmation so me and Mikayla jumped up and headed off the beach. 

We were both about to climb the stairs when I heard a small cry. I turned my head to see a small sea turtle struggling to get back to the sea. He was stuck in a sand pit.

"Look!" I pointed out to the little turtle. "Mikayla, you go on ahead, I'm going to stay back and help that little guy back to his home." I say, turning and running over to it.

"Okay, just don't be long. Dad wants us there to meet the kings!" She says to me. I quickly nod and rush out to help the small creature. 

I slowly approach the small, crying creature.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just going to help you get out of the sand pit and back home." I spoke softly. 


Third POV

"Here. Come see your island." Mikayla says, pulling the two kings away from Lanny. They walk out onto the balcony and look out.

"Woah! Oh! Yo, Boom, look. It's that volcano that we saw in the balloon... Does it work?" Brady asks Mikayla. 

"Well, it's been inactive for years if that's what you mean. It's a sign of how happy the island is." Mikayla explained. 

"Who's that down on the beach?" Boomer asked, pointing down to the sand below. 

"Oh! That's Catherine, my sister. You'll meet her later." Mikayla answered.

Brady didn't say anything, he just stared down at the girl admiring her beauty. Normally he'd make a stupid and inappropriate comment but he didn't. 

"We should really finish our tour. I have a lot to do before your coronation tomorrow." Mikayla brought back Brady's attention.


Catherine's POV

"There you are! Mikayla just took the Kings on a tour of the castle. Where were you?" Dad asked me as soon as I entered the castle.

"I had to help a little, baby turtle get back to the ocean, he was stuck in a sand pit." I tell him, shrugging my shoulders.

"You and your heart. You remind me of me." Dad says, making me roll my eyes and laugh. I sat down on the castle wall overlooking the beach and relaxed.

My Favorite King - Pair of Kings - Brady X Reader (DISCONTINUED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora