The Bite Stuff

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Catherine's POV

I woke up feeling fresh and excited, last night was the best night ever and I couldn't wait to see what today was like.

I met up with Mikayla for breakfast and I told her all about last night, she thought it was funny how I kissed him, seeing as she thought I was too chicken to do it -- it also apparently lost her 10 gold coins to Boomer.

I wanted to scold her for that but Dad said he wanted to talk to her, leaving me alone. I wonder what that's all about.


Third POV

Mason and Mikayla rushed into the throne room where Boomer and Brady were.

"Your Majesties, we just found out." Mason said.

"Oh! Big mouth!" Brady accused his brother.

"When did I tell 'em?" Boomer shot back, arguing.

"You better watch--" Brady's threat was interrupted.

"The kids at the Wi-Fi Tree said your aunt and uncle were coming to take you home." Mason said.

"Oh, yeah!" Both boys affirmed, realizing they weren't talking about Brady's Waka-Waka Bug bite.

"We can't let that happen. The islanders just got new kings. They'd be heartbroken." Mikayla said.

"That's why I didn't tell Cat, she'd be crushed." Mason said.

"Crap..." Brady said, not knowing what to do.

"Well, is there any way we can stop them?" Boomer asked.

"Until you're 18, they can take you back as if none of this ever happened. Am I smiling? Because I'm really devasted." Lanny said a bit too cheerful.

"Until they arrive, the two of you need to stay in your room. The only time bad things happen is when you go off on your little adventures." Mikayla said before walking away, her Dad and Lanny behind her.

It was then when they were turned away that Brady began to experience the first symptom of the Waka-Waka bite: Bubble Butt. His butt blew up to the size of two yoga balls.

"Butt!" Boomer shouted at the sudden change.

"Not buts! You need to look perfect when your aunt and uncle arrive. Plus, we can't let Cat know. Stay in your room." Mason said, oblivious to Brady's new look.

"Got it. No 'butts.' No butts at all. No big butts, no small butts. No bubble butts!" Boomer sputtered out and both boys laughed nervously.


Catherine's POV

"Hey! There you are, I've been looking all over for you and your brother." I say as I come up to Boomer who had a bag of Cheez Fingerz in his hands.

"Hey, Cat. Whatcha up to?" Boomer asked me.

"I'm just going to see Brady." I say, starting to go up the stairs.

"No!" Boomer's voice rang out, stopping me in my tracks.

"Boomer what--" "Brady isn't feeling well and doesn't want anyone to get sick. He'd kill me if I let you up there." He exclaimed.

"Are you sure? Maybe I should go get the royal physician and--" "No! It's okay. We don't need him." Boomer interrupted me again.

"Boomer. Are you hiding something from me?" I asked, I stared at him, trying to figure out his behavior.

"Whaaaaaaaattt? Me? Hide something? Come on!" He waved his arm as if waving off the subject. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get these Cheez Fingerz to Brady."

My Favorite King - Pair of Kings - Brady X Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now