Pair of Jokers

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Catherine's POV

"Cat! Dad!" Mikayla came up and hugged us both.

Dad and I just got back from our week-away trip to Jewel Island, and Mikayla took over the guards for the week as part of her training. I had gone with Dad to check up on everything at Jewel Island, not only to get experience but also to heal from having my arm shocked by the pirates.

"Hey, baby! How were things while we were gone?" Dad asked her.

"Uhh, yeah, about that... it was a mess. The kings thought it was a good idea to join the riptides and one thing led to another and Yamakoshi got kidnapped--" Mikayla ranted.

"So it was just a normal week?" I asked her.

"Yep." She popped the p for effect.

"I wonder what this week's shenanigan will be?" I laughed while grabbing my bags.

"You gonna unpack?" Mikayla asked me, pointing to my bag.

"Yeah, I'll meet you guys later." I waved before walking up the stairs to my room.


I had just a few things left to put away when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled. The door opened soon after and a certain king stood in the doorway.

"Hey, Princess." He winked and smile. I smiled and blushed at his flirt.

"What do you want?" I teased with a chuckle. He pretended to act offended.

"We haven't seen each other in a week and this is how you greet me?" He gasped in "shock" and I chuckled at him.

He laughed with me and came over to me. We both wrapped each other in a hug and held on tight.

"I missed you. How's your arm doing?" He asked me, pulling out of the hug but not letting me go.

"It's good now, I had it in a sling for a couple of days and let it rest so I think I should be as good as new." I answer with a smile. "But enough about me, I was told you were nothing but trouble last week. You joined the Riptides and then took them down."

"Yeah... and I learned from my mistakes. Plus, I learned that the King of Jamaica is a pretty cool dude." Brady laughed.

"Well hey, I've gotta finish packing these few things, I'll talk to you soon?" I asked him, looking over to the few things left in my bag.

"Sure, but what's that?" He asked me, pointing to the present beside my bag.

"Oh, that was a gift from one of the ladies from the island. Her name was Teuila and she opened her home to me and Dad. She gave me that when I left, and told me not to look in it until I got home." I said.

"Well you're home now so... wanna look?" He asked, excited.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, grabbing the box from my suitcase. I was excited too and it showed.

I pulled off the ribbon and took the lid off. I gasped at the beautiful dress inside.

"Oh my gosh. I remember this dress! It was in the window of Teuila's shop!" I gasp. I take out the dress and hold it against me, twirling.

 I take out the dress and hold it against me, twirling

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My Favorite King - Pair of Kings - Brady X Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now