Chapter 13: Strength

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Teal woke with a start and looked around "what, wait... where am I?" The room was to dark to see any further then the edge of her nose "I am clearly not in the nest anymore"

Teal pushed the fluffy covers off of her and inched towards what she hoped was the edge of the bed, it seemed higher. "Please don't fall, please don't..." Teal found the edge of the bed with a thud. "Why am I so good at falling out of bed?"

She stood up and tried to feel her way around. If I am in my room something has changed, there is more furniture here than I remember. In no time she found the stairs and surprisingly enough didn't fall down them. "Okay, so I am in my room... I think. But why is it so dark, it should still be daytime."

Teal made it to the door and flung it open only to wince at the sudden brightness. "Okay, new demand and a new rule!"

Xerus was in human form talking with some other humans that Teal assumed to be Dragons, Nyala was not in the room. "Yes dear?"

"First I need a nightlight or two. Second, if I am not alone when I go to bed, I expect the same to be true when I wake up!" She brushed aside the tension.

"I'm sorry," he made his way to her side and kissed her.

"I fell out of bed, are you going to kiss that too?" She asked

"Later," he smirked "I'll do more than just kiss it." He kissed her nose again "okay, update: the rest of the Dragon community has voiced their opinion on our plan..."

"Is that good or bad." She worried

"Usually it is not good, but in this case they are all for it." Xerus laughed "Nyala is getting praised for her ingenuity."

"And Doc?"

"He is trying to get me to change but..."

"Well, draw it out then ham it up with the whole fear me act." She shrugged "that should satisfy him but keep him guessing too... and don't speak to him in human form, just growl" she smiled.

     A cream colored human with blue variegated hair and dark brown eyes chuckled "I like how you think" he folded his arms across his broad muscular chest and nodded in her direction. "Smart and sexy as hell, you good in the sack too?"

     Xerus rolled his eyes "Teal, you remember Kob." He turned and growled lightly at him "the jackass that's going to get his tail kicked in a few seconds..."

     "Again you mean." Teal smiled "if I remember correctly you won the first fight I saw between you two."

     Xerus smirked "I always win."

     "Not to change the subject but why is my room so dark?" Teal asked

     "Doc brought some stuff in, decorated it like he's sucking up to you or something?"

     "Oh yes, that... "

     "What..." he asked in a singsong tone.

"He wants me to get more information out of you?" Teal looked around "is there food in there..." she pointed back towards her room "I'm starving."

Xerus grabbed her arm before she could walk off "about what?"

"What exactly it is that your people can help with in regards to this war?"

"We know the real reason why it started and once that information is out there, all hell will break loose in congress here..." he laughed "all their precious senators and asshole wannabes will be dethroned so fast their heads will never stop spinning."

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