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Amy and Annie,s dad mr.jake was a special customer in cafécorner. Here special customer refers to the people who have high positions in the society or extreme rich people who can buy even the rarest of items in the world.

(At dinner)

Amy:  mom, how long does it take to the café corner??

Mom: café corner...maybe 2 km..

Amy: mom, if you don't mind can I and Annie can go to the café corner tomorrow??

Mom: why do you guys want to go there??

Amy: well..I have heard that the coffee around there is incredibly awesome.. everyone in my class have went there so can I....

She started to be as pity as a cat who have not eaten for days..let me tell you one think Amy is such a drama queen....

Mom: well..if you guys really want to go..then I cannot stop you..

Amy: so is it a yes??

Mom: of course...

Amy: thank you mom..

Dad: I can give you an offer...if you want I can give you guys a free ride..

Amy: that,s cool..

Tomorrow morning

The morning sun shone through the windows. As dawn broke Amy and Annie got up... together all 3 began their journey to café corner. On the way mr.joe who was still not convinced by yesterday,s answer asked again...

Joe: don,t get me wrong..I just want to know that as I am the dad...why do you guys really want to go there...I mean there are a lot of café,s around our home who makes such.. as Amy said incredibly- wonderful coffees.. why you choose this place??

Amy: umm.. actually we came here to meet my friends..I was afraid if I said this to mom will she ever let me go there??

Joe: (laughs) oh..that is.. don't worry I would keep it as a secret...

Amy: thank you dad

Annie: we are..

After getting out of the car

Joe: are you sure??

Amy: they would arrive in a minute..

Joe: ok then..bye

The café looks like a place build in medieval period.
The walls, windows, tables even the chairs appear to be from medieval era.

Person 1 : what you loves to have??

Amy: two iced coffee

Person 1 : anything else??

Amy: no thank you

After having such a nice iced coffee they went to pay the bill..

Annie: umm..excuse me have you ever seen this guy before??

Person 2 : no..

Annie: well.. this picture has been taken around 6 years ago...

Person 2: i am new here..but I have a friend here who has been working around 6 years. Let me call him..

He came with guy around 30, hair, dark brown eyes...a guy who is enough to capture every girl,s heart...

Person 3: so why do you want to meet me??

Amy: umm..the matter is..

Of course, Amy would talk long time to talk the matter...

Annie: well the matter is...have you seen this person before??

Person 3: of course...he is the old owner of this café corner.

Annie: can you say more about him???

Person 3: he is a quiet person..he used to have few friends around him..often times he used to look upset..I wonder why so...

Annie:  (she took his dad,s photo) what about him??

Person 3: i have seen him with our owner...from the way they talk he used to be one of the closest friends owner could have...

Annie: why he was upset???

Person 3: sorry..I don't know

Annie : what is his name??

Person 3: Tom

Annie: oh... thank you

They left the café corner and went straight home.

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