Chapter 12 - Let Me Down Slowly

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A/N: Fifth year doesn't follow the same story as the books/movies in this fic, it goes off into its own story, just to let everyone know!


Harry had had possibly the worst summer he'd ever experienced in his entire life. He was a heartbroken mess. He felt like an entire half of his heart had been ripped out of his chest, and the memories he and Draco shared together were just too painful to think about.

He'd spent the summer holed up in his room at Grimmauld Place, barely speaking to anyone. He hadn't told Hermione what had happened, so she assumed Harry was acting this way due to the information she'd told him about Draco. But Ron still didn't know anything, and Harry knew he'd have to tell him soon. He could tell he was starting to worry his friend. But how would Ron take it? He'd be livid. Ron knew Harry was seeing some mystery 'girl' but how would it go down knowing that the girl was Draco Malfoy?! And the fact he wasn't even human?!

Harry gave a humourless laugh at the thought. 'Hey Ron, just thought you should know that girl I'm seeing is actually Draco Malfoy, we were together, but then I found out he's actually a magical creature and that I'm his soulmate and now we've broken up.'

Yeah, Harry thought. That would go down a treat.

Harry hadn't eaten properly in weeks. He'd picked at bits of food the Weasley's served him as he didn't want to seem ungrateful. But he couldn't stomach any of it. All he could think about was Draco, Draco, Draco.

He still wasn't sure if he'd done the right thing. Some part of him that he didn't understand was yelling at him to go back, change what he did, this isn't right. It was telling him that he'd made the biggest mistake of his life, that he had left the love of his life behind.

But the rational side of him was saying no, this was the right thing. Draco had lied to him about who he was, about who Harry was. How could he just move past something like that?

No, Harry thought firmly, trying to convince his brain to see sense. Draco got what he deserved. He should have told me, he should have told me that I could be in even more danger than I am already being his mate.

As much as Harry wanted to go back to Draco, to undo everything that had happened and just go back to the perfect little life they had together, Harry knew that couldn't happen. This was a betrayal down to the core. How could he ever trust Draco again? As much as it hurt Harry so deeply, he knew he'd have to move past the heartbreak and start fresh.


The summer had zipped by as fast as possible, leaving Harry, Ron and Hermione sitting in the Great Hall listening to Dumbledore's welcome speech as their fifth year began.

Harry could barely hear Dumbledore, his brain was so fuzzy. It was as if he was underwater, listening to the muffled sounds around him, not really paying attention.

An uncomfortable feeling in his chest surged through him; it had been there ever since the day he and Draco had gone their separate ways. The thought brought a sick feeling to Harry's stomach.

Unable to stop himself, Harry stole a glance over to the Slytherin table, searching for those grey eyes amongst the sea of green.

But there weren't any. No eyes caught his. No blush or smile mirrored his own, not this time. This time, there were no eyes, no secret glances, no hurried exchanges. Because Draco Malfoy wasn't there.

Sitting up a bit straighter, Harry craned his neck to look along the length of the hall. Draco really wasn't there. Then where was he?

A wave of worry and anxiety crashed over him as Harry realised the implications of this. Was Draco avoiding him? Would he ever see him again? Where on earth was he?

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