Chapter 2 - Changes

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Harry woke up in his four poster bed, his limbs aching. He groaned, rubbing his eyes, and checked the time.

He rolled over to face the rest of the room and watched as Ron did his hair. He and Ron were not on speaking terms and Harry hated it. He needed his best friend. He was going through a potentially life-threatening situation and he needed him to help him through it.

A voice broke him from his thoughts.

"Will you quit staring, and get dressed," Ron ordered in a voice as cold as ice. Their eyes connected through the mirror, both filled with hate and anger.

Harry didn't respond, but got up and dressed slowly to make sure he didn't end up going anywhere with Ron.

Harry left a few minutes later to go to breakfast, just after Ron and the rest of the boys had gone.

The castle was empty as he made his way through the endless corridors and hallways that made up the school.

He didn't fancy going to breakfast today, not wanting to see the dirty looks the rest of the school would give him in the great hall. However he was hungry, and his hunger always got the better of him.

Harry made sure to take the shortest way to the hall, to avoid as many people as possible.

He was about to round the corner to the last corridor, when a firm body knocked into his, sending both students to the ground.

Harry groaned on the cold, stone floor and opened his eyes to see a silver pair staring back into his own.

Harry then took in the neat, blonde hair and the rest of the face. His eyes ran over the sharp nose and pink, full lips, defining the features.

Draco coughed unexpectedly, and Harry realised he had been staring a bit too long.

"Potter, get off me," Draco hissed, however the boy seemed very flustered.

Harry scowled as his face started to heat up. He started to clamber of Draco.

Harry started to walk past the taller boy, giving him one last scowl, but a hand caught his wrist.

"Potter, wait."

The two stood to face each other, and Harry noticed Draco looked different.

For one, he was on his own, which was a surprise; he always had his gang of Slytherins with him.

And his face looked different. Almost worn, tired, and his eyes looked... was that—?

"Potter, I know I'm gorgeous, but would you quit with the staring?" Draco said impatiently.

Harry coughed lightly and turned away, his face ablaze.

Draco clearly wanted to say something, but seemed to be holding back. Then he couldn't take it anymore and he exploded.

"Potter are you stupid?! Why the hell did you put your name in the goblet?! Do you have a death wish or something?" Draco looked like he wanted to kill someone.

Harry was startled. "Woah woah woah, calm down Malfoy, what the hell is your problem?!" Harry scrutinised him.

Draco's eyes flashed, they reflected some emotion Harry couldn't quite put his finger on.

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