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It was about another ten minutes before we finally made it to a big house.

"Welcome to my home." He says opening the door. The minute the door opened, there was loud fits of laughter, yelling, swear words being tossed left and right, to say the least, it was loud.

"Sorry, they are loud." he says smiling at me before shouting at the two boys in the living room to shut up. They both shut up immediately and looked at Kian.

"Hey! Library girl!" The brown curly haired one shouts, I think I remember his name as Jt, or was it Jc? I don't know.

"Yeah." I say awkwardly.

"Uh, Jc, Skyler, Skyler, Jc, Dom, Skyler, Skyler, Dom." Kian says pointing at each boy.

"Hey." I say awkwardly.

"Kian like loves you he won't shut up about you, Skyler this, Skyler that." The one who I believe was Dom says laughing along with Jc, I soon joined in, Kian just looked mad.

"Shut up. Where's Ricky and Connor?" He asks annoyed.

"I think there in there rooms." Jc answered.

"Ok. We're going upstairs, leave us alone." he says walking away angrily.

"Bye." they shout as a walk after Kian, I wave back to them.

"You live with four people?" I ask confused.

"No, Dom doesn't live here he is just always here." He says as we get to what I am guessing is his room.

"This is my room." he says opening the door. It wasn't as I expected it to be, I expected it to be messy and not neat but it was quite the opposite. "Its not usually this clean." he laughs.

"I figured." I shoot back.

"What why?" He fake pouts.

"I don't know, you don't really seem like the kind of guy to keep a clean room." I say chuckling a little bit.

"Yeah, your right." he laughs.

"So do you wanna watch a movie?" He asks after a few minutes of silence.

"Sure, what movie?"

"Um, I don't have a lot of movies, but I have Frozen?" He say, well more like questions.

"Never seen it." I state watching his mouth drop open after the words left my mouth.


"Never." I state laughing a little at his expression.

"It's official, your crazy. You have to watch this movie, like now." He states before popping in the movie and pressing play. We both sit on his bed so we can see the tv.


"Kian?" Someone knocks at the door halfway through the movie.

"One sec!" He shouts before pausing the movie and opening the door, behind the door stood a rather tall, hazel eyed, boy with really tall hair.

"Oh, I didn't know you had company." he says smiling once he sees me.

"Oh, Skyler, Ricky, Ricky, Skyler." he says smiling.

"Hi nice to meet you, Kian talks about you all the time." he says laughing.

"Ricky!" Kian shouts drawing out the y.

"Ok, ok, anyway I was just wondering what time our flight was tomorrow?" He asks smiling.

"Um, I think 9 wait no 6." he says nodding.

"How do you get those mixed up." He says laughing loudly. He has a really odd laugh. I sounded like he was coughing. I also sounded like it hurt. (I love Ricky's laugh btw haha)

"I'm not sure." Kian says also laughing.

"Well I guess I better go finish packing. And you need to start." Ricky says getting ready to leave before Kian stops him.

"I did pack, I knew Sky was coming over so I packed before." He says smiling proudly.

"That's a first." Ricky chuckles, before smiling and waving at us.

"Sorry about him." Kian says after a minuet of silence.

"He didn't do anything." I laugh. Kian just nods and smiles before sitting back down next to me.

"Where are you going tomorrow?" I ask curious.

"Oh, me and my friends that live here are going to a meet and greet." Kian says smiling. Meet and greet for what? (there is a reason why I didn't include Trevor! don't get mad I haven't forgot about him!!)

"For who?" I ask.

"Oh, us. I guess I forgot to tell you. Most people already know but it was nice knowing someone who didn't know me as superkian13." he says leaving a few details out.

"You lost me."

"Everyone in this house are famous YouTubers. We all have over 1 million subs." he says pretending as if it's no big deal, but you could physically see his face light up just talking about it. (don't hate me, I don't know if they all actually have over 1 million subs)

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