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Kian kept coming back after that day, and I couldn't help but feel odd, he kept making an effort no matter how many time I would say 'no'. He just kept coming back, trying to get to know me.

It felt odd knowing I had more than three people caring for me. Yes, Sam may be gone, but I know for a fact he would never stop caring for me.

No matter how annoying Smiley got, it was nice knowing he was there if I needed him. I mean I would never need him, but it's nice to know if I did need him he would be there.

My sister was planning on coming to the library soon, which I was super excited about. She hadn't been here in about five weeks.

"Hello Skyler." Said non other than Smiley.

"Hello Kian." I said back.

"I was wondering if tomorrow night you would like to go to a party - with me of course." He says arrogantly.

"Of course I'll go to a party with you!" I giggle like a little school girl on cräck, obviously lying.

"You will?" He asks confused, probably by the way I'm acting.

Going back to my normal self I answer, "No, but I will go to a party, just not with you. Your not really my type." I say before I wave my hand telling him to step aside since there was an impatient consumer behind him I needed to check out.

"What? Then what's your type?" He asks staring at me intently.

"Well I like guys who are bad, who don't smile, who eat bugs for breakfast." I say sarcastically again.

"You know one of my turn on are sarcastic girls." he say wiggling his eyebrows.

"Well it's a good thing I'm not a girl." I answer making the lady that is still in front of me gasp, and hurry to grab her books.

"Well I mean you don't have a girl style, but your definably what I look for in a girl. Short, sarcastic, beautiful, annoying, well maybe I don't like that part, mysterious, band t-shirts, which by the way I love blink-183," He say pointing towards my band shirt that was loosely hanging on my shoulders, "baggy clothing, not a whole lot of make up, at least most of the time, I don't know, your just super cute." He says smiling, and when he smiled that time I got an odd sensation deep in my stomach. I'm not sure what it was, but it was a strongly good feeling.

"That's nice." I hum pretending I didn't just listen to him list off all the things he liked about me.

"What time does your shift end?" He asks biting his bottom lip, drawing my eyes down towards his lips.

"I have to work la—"

"Skyler, honey, we are closing early. Like right now, I forgot to tell you I have an emergency at home, Bear eat something he wasn't suppose to and now he's sick." She says probably not even realizing she cut me off. In case you were wondering Bear was he oversized black cat, she had many more than just Bear though. She truly cared for her cats.

"I can keep it open tonight, it's fine." I answer.

"No, no, go home! Go out! It a Friday! Do something for once! Take this handsome fella out! I don't care, just do something besides sit in here and sulk." She says still hurrying around to gather her things. Luckily there was no one her to listen to our conversations, well besides Kian.

"Ok, ok jeez. I'll go get pizza or something." I shoot back.

"Ok, at least you doing something. Can you lock up?"

"Yeah." I answer right away. I'll just stay here she'll never know.

"Oh, and if I hear that you stayed later, your going to be in some trouble." She say before walking out the library doors. Well there goes that plan.

"So your free?" Kian asks smiling.

"No!" I shout, almost laughing at his awkward facial expression.

"Well then what are you doing?" He asks looking at me as if he was challenging me.

"I am eating pizza in my room while listening to Nirvana and Blink. Oh and maybe some All Time Low and Fall Out Boy." I answer as I gather my thing that were behind the counter.

"Can I join you?"

"I thought you had a party to go to?" I ask walking past him.

"I do, a party of two. With pizza and music." He states smiling down at me as we walk. God he smiles to much. "So can I come to your party?"

I just shrug and kept walking him following closely behind me as I lock the library up for the day.

"So I can?" He asks as he catches up with my fast walking.

I shrug again, not knowing what to say, I mean I don't have anything better to do.

"Alright I'll take that as a yes." He states smiling and doing a little hop, which I think he thought went unnoticed by me. It was hard, yet easy not to laugh at how happy he got at just me shrugging my shoulders. It was hard because he looked hilarious, and easy because the only time I actually laugh is when I'm with Stella.

(AN: Heyo! Vazzz up guys? (said in Pointless Blogs voice) KIANS COLORED HAIR WILL LITERALY BE THE DEATH OF ME! OMGGGGG.

X Emily)

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