I'm Sorry...

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Hey... I think I need a wesk or so just to wrap my head around the whole Zayn leaving thing. I'm sorry, it seems so selfish, but I can barley form thought I'm so upset, I cried all after noon, and then I went to my grandmas house, and finally got myself together, and as soon as I got home, I was a sobbing mess again. It honestly hurts so much. I probably sound like a baby, but you would know what this felt like if this happened to you. Like when Connor left or O2L stopped making video's, I was heart broken, and I'm sure so many others were, so you may, or may not know what this feels like, but I hope you have never felt this before.

I mean One Direction saved me, and I know every one says that, but they truly did. They were there for me when no one else was. I'm sorry that I have to take a little bit of time off from writing, but I really need to make sure I'm ok before I put myself under more stress with writing. I don't was to fall back into the depression I was in a little while ago, so I hope you understand...

X Emily.

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