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Bodies lined the walls, arms back, shoulders straight. Heads held up strong, guns across their chests. The hallway was eerily quiet, there was no noise except the heavy breathing of a few guards. 

Last night was the last night Mila and her papa would be able to stay with Yana, she knew that. When they woke up that morning, silence filled the room. No one spoke, no one knew what to say. James took one last look at the room, and the woman who lived in it. He gave her a small nod, no need to say any words. Yana understood what he was feeling just by the look in his stormy eyes.

Mila took hold of her papa's hand, squeezing it reassuringly. She looked at Yana meeting her eyes. "Thank you, for everything," her voice was just above a whisper. Mila held onto the necklace she had been given, a constant reminder of what the woman did for her and her papa. 

Yana smiled sadly at the girl, her hand grasping the cool metal door handle. James and Mila walked out of the room they called home for almost two years. It was good and it was safe. They would never forget how that felt.

The duo barely had any time to head back to their respective room before they were dragged apart from each other. Cold hands wrapped around Mila's biceps, tugging her in the opposite direction she was heading. "Papa," she cried. 

James was pulled away from her, with less force. She was fighting back, squirming around. "Mila, Mila it's okay. It'll be okay," he soothed. Her eyes widened, confusion written on her pale cheeks.

"I'll see you soon. I promise, it's okay". The guards walked with him down the hall, back towards their cell. Mila froze, falling limp. The guards pulled her away, down towards the labs.

With no resisting, the guards brought Mila all the way down to the labs and strapped her to the table. It raised, sitting at 75 degree angle. Heels clicked and footsteps echoed. The rustling of objects and hushed voices went in one ear and out the other for Mila. A pair of heels stepped up in front of her, Mila was so out of it, she didn't recognize the woman standing there.

"Mila, honey, I'm going to take a sample of your blood okay?" Yana rolled up the left sleeve of Mila's shirt, dragging her fingers to the crevices of her elbow feeling around for a vein, then poking the girl. Mila didn't even flinch.

After enough blood was drawn Yana took the vile over to her station. Mixing drops of a green liquid into the thick crimson fluid. A few minutes passed before someone spoke. "The bonds are successful, we can begin," Yana said over the crowd. 

A metal crash could be heard at the other end of the lab. Loud footsteps filled the room. The Old Man, a blonde woman, Irina and some guards, as well as James walked into the room. Mila pulled her attention towards her papa. He gave her a curt nod. Mila nodded back timidly.

"Begin the procedure Doctors," the Old Man bellowed. Doctors rushed all around her, pulling up her sleeves. Mila fought the urge to resist them. Her breath hitched in her throat as her burns were exposed. Yana went wide eyed and James froze, hiding all emotion from his face. The Old Man didn't seem to care and Irina cleared her throat awkwardly. 

Yana spoke up, bringing everyone back to reality. "Dr. Nagel, be mindful of the burns, the broken skin may interfere with the transfusion". The skinny man nodded.

Mila kept her gaze away from her papa, his eyes never left her, egging her on to look at him. She stared at the machines the doctors were fiddling with. Mila felt the pounding of her heart from deep within her stomach, her hands shook between the tight cuffs.

Dr. Nagel wheeled over a machine to Mila's side, prepping her arm and sticking multiple needles into her skin. The sharp pains burned but went away quickly. Mila had no visible reaction to the pain but her papa knew she was hurting. His metal fist tightened around the railing he was standing in front of. 

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