Your Typical Date

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You're comfortable around each other, so much so that anything is game; from mindlessly watching TV to theme parks to pinochle. As long as you're doing it together you can find a way to make it fun.

You have a standing date to watch grey's anatomy every Thursday. Your little tradition includes sampling every takeaway option in the city and talking shit about everything- from the show to work to how you got a paper cut and it ruined you're day.

You would think that Zemo would want to be fancy and go out to expensive dinners and opera's, but you guys actually prefer to cook together- trying new recipes and old favourites, making a mess and eating at the kitchen counter.

Y'all are the epitome of adorable- I mean it's a lot, you guys build pillow forts and dance around the living room in your pyjamas. You bake cupcakes and have food fights- but you're favourite part is watching TV (a lot of cartoons) and falling asleep with his head in your lap.

Since you guys don't have much- time or money- you cherish the small moments, picnics in the park are you're favourite. You listen to music and eat sandwiches and fruit- laughing and enjoying being together.

On the rare occasions you can get a few hours alone together you sit on the dock with some drinks and a radio. You talk about anything and everything- but most of the time you're date nights include pizza and board games with her boys, who adore you by the way.

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