Horror Movies

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Sorry it took me so long to get around to these! I'm happy to do more requests now that I'm writing again :)

He hates horror movies, you wouldn't expect it but he's a massive scaredy cat, even Edward Scissorhands left him sleepless for near a week after. He, of course, wouldn't admit this, but you had to make the call to never let him watch them again as a sleepy Bucky is a grumpy Bucky, and regular Bucky is grumpy enough as it is.

He loves horror movies, especially when you hold onto him during tense scenes or scream and hide on his shoulder after a jump scare. He just laughs and perhaps teases you a little afterwards.

Nope. Nope. He'll watch them, but he certainly won't enjoy it. He mostly makes sure they're never on, claiming you'll get scared and he doesn't want that, which is true, but he's secretly terrified of all things spooky. Sokovians are superstitious enough to begin with.

Surprisingly he's a fan- but he hates slashers, gore makes him uneasy but he does appreciate a good story what gets on your nerves for days afterwards.

You guys don't really watch movies, as you don't have time, or a TV, BUT if you did she would be totally down for watching anything- she's not scared of anything (well, maybe cockroaches but nobody likes them)

She likes them, but makes sure you guys only watch horror movies after the boys have gone to bed, she does NOT want to deal with them getting freaked out and/ or traumatised.

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