They Worry About You

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T/w anxiety
Plz look after yourself- mental health is just as important as physical health and u need to seek help if you are struggling :)

Ah Bucky,
What can I say about this sweet old man except oh my god he needs to calm down. He freaks out over tiny things, a grazed knee? No problem he'll carry you bridal style to the medbay and frantically search for betadine and bandaids. Your stomach rumbles? Boom you have popcorn, carrot sticks, a steaming bowl of soup- and an anxious Bucky fidgeting and looking at you like a lost puppy.

Sam's pretty chill, he trusts you more than he trusts himself- that said, he can't help but worry about you, he cares so deeply and seeing you hurt would break him.

He is the ultimate worrywart. Everything from you getting sick to hydra coming after you to the flagsmashers. He HATES when you go on missions and always begs you to stay home- but he ultimately understands that you need to live your life. This doesn't stop him from going full dad mode and going through your bags, packing extra thermals, snacks, blankets, you name it, it'll end up in a massive suitcase he's packed for you.

He's a precious baby- he doesn't know what to do when he's worried about you, so he just tries his best to show you that he loves you and cares about you- he's at your beck and call if you need anything, which is usually just a cup of hot tea and a cuddle if you're ever hurt or upset.

She tries not to show it, putting up the bravado act that it's all worth it for the cause, a cause greater than any one person, but secretly she worries about you 24/7, the stress eating away inside her that you won't return from a mission, because she doesn't want a world, no matter how unified, without you.

She's a mum, and that being said she's always prepared for the worst, am if anything happens to you she knows she can handle it. A warm smile and a bag of supplies awaits you if you're ever hurt or upset, and when you get back from a mission she checks you over three times before finally embracing you and leading you back home.

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