You Flinch During An Argument

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Sorry I've not updated for a while I'll try to get a few chapters out soon ;)
Also I saw Black Widow just now and oh my god go see it!!

T/W- mentions of abuse, arguments, tooth rotting fluff

"Please- you- I- I'm so sorry" Bucky was breaking inside, guilt racked his body as his eyes became glassy. When you manage to let out a shaky breath and collect yourself you realise what happened- a small argument about Bucky not wanting you to come to Germany to track down the flag smashers had climaxed in him spinning around and you ducking instinctively.
He genuinely believed you had done so on purpose.
Afraid of the Winter Soldier.
And so you should be, he thought, his mind went to dark places, his past.
He only came to again when your arms snaked around his waist and you buried your head in his chest, whispering that you trusted him and it was just your training kicking in. The argument forgotten you spent the rest of the day together, fluffy blankets, ice cream and movies could fix anything and make anyone feel loved again.

"Hey- hey" sam said, reaching out for your raised forearms, you were shaking a little, and although you knew he would never even think of hurting you, you were shaken and just needed reassurance right now. And that was Sam's specially, (when he wasn't being a sarcastic bitch of course).

You had stumbled back after Zemo had yelled at you for the first time, tripping on a small stair and falling on your wrist. Helmut was immediately at your side, apologising over and over again, holding your sprained wrist delicately and begging for you to forgive him. He swore never to raise his voice at you again. The guilt he felt was immense, he was supposed to protect you, he was supposed to stop things like this, not cause them, and seeing your bandaged wrist for the next month made his heart ache. He treated you like royalty afterwards (not that he didn't usually) but he didn't even let you lift a finger until you were fully healed, even when you had assured him it was okay, he insisted.

"No no nononono please no I would never hurt you, you- you know that right?" He whispered with puppy dog eyes. You collected yourself, your heart beating a thousand times a minute. But you reach for Torres' hand, knowing your reaction was unwarranted and that the golden retriever of a man before you would never hurt you. He pulled you into a warm hug, he smelt like fabric softener and soap, his shirt was soft against your cheek as a tear left your eye, but you weren't afraid.

To be fair, she was a super soldier and so perhaps you had a right to be a little careful but that doesn't mean that it didn't hurt her to see you flinch while you two were arguing. She just got real quiet and you had to take her hand and assure her that you still loved her- that she was alright and you were too.

Sarah knows your past was- bad- well, not you but the people in your past. She knew that you'd had good reason to be afraid so now she was always careful to make you feel safe, that was until one minor slip up during an argument, she whipped around and scared you, you only flinched a little but she could read you like a book, so she immediately softened and apologised, holding your hands and ensuring you were alright.

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