They Find A Crying Child

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Sorry this took a while to write, I've been busy watching Eurovision (Go Ukraine 🇺🇦)

Bucky isn't the most socially adept person post-winter-soldier, so when he stumbled upon a crying 7 year old while in Latvia he panicked. The little boy ran up to him, speaking unintelligibly in a language Bucky wasn't even close to understanding, and tugged at his sweater. After quickly scanning the street for a parent he knelt down to try and calm the kid. "Hey hey it's okay do you speak English?". The boy looked up at him, his breathing calming but clearly not understanding, Bucky tried again in Russian, shuddering at the feeling of the words on his tounge, but the boy understood. After a minute of discussion he took the boy, Andris, by the hand and helping him find his way back to the town square where he promptly found his older sister and turned to give the super soldier a tight hug before running off.

He's the #1 uncle, Sarah's boys look up to him like the father they don't have, so when one of them is upset and doesn't want to talk to their mum he steps in. He'll sit quietly and listen to anything that troubles them, and after they've done he gives them the best hugs and they go out to get ice cream or MacDonalds and sit on the dock or watch movies.

Zemo loves kids, so so much. He loved being a father, so when he came across a small boy crying and running from a group of laughing kids he stepped in. One stern look at the bullies and they were sprinting away down the streets of Riga, leaving Helmut to crouch down on the cobblestones and smile kindly to the boy. Speaking heavily accented Latvian, he comforted the boy, who was picked on by the other children of the area for his small stature. Zemo murmured to the child and offered to help him find his way home, which he accepted, and reached for Zemo's gloved hand with his tiny ones.

Torres would be a great father you cannot argue with me. So when his little cousin came home from school crying his heart broke a bit, and he gave her a minute before gently knocking on her door and letting himself in. She was surrounded in a sea of teddies, tears streaming down her cheeks as he approached and sat on the end of her bed. "Hey, wanna talk about it?" He murmured, and when she shook her head, he understood and moved to the floor, setting up her favourite tea set on the carpet. She jumped onto the floor next to him and started to sit her various stuffed dogs, cats, bears all in front of cups and plates before asking her cousin if he would make some tea to give to them, smiling once more.

Karli used to look after the younger kids in displaced persons camps, so she was well versed in comforting children for so so many reasons. She was in Switzerland with the flag smashers, and despite her well known appearance she had to risk recognition in order to get food supplies for other injured super soldiers. On her way there she noticed a young teenage girl sleeping rough, shivering in the frigid night air. Karli weighed up her options and decided to approach her, after a few minutes of conversation she found that the girl was only 13, but was driven out of a particularly rough displacement camp for her own safety, having lost everything after everyone came back. Karli ended up spending a while exchanging stories and eventually sharing her involvement with the flag smashers, she wasn't sure why, as this was dangerous, but it seemed like the right thing to do. The girl's eyes lit up with admiration and Karli handed her a wad of cash from the bank heist, telling the girl to be careful with it and continuing on her way.

Sorry I couldn't think of a good one for Sarah, I'll write something else for her later-

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