Caught In The Act

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Caught in the act is a brilliant red gum album so go listen to that if u want- also Courtney Act is phenomenal so I just had to use this title

Cheeky bastard he is Bucky constantly tries to make out with you in the most risky places. All he needs is Zemo and Sam to turn their backs for a second and his hand in sneaking under your shirt, skirt, around your waist, anywhere and everywhere he can access. It's surprising you haven't been caught more than once, but it was pretty bad, you were half way undressed and his shirt was abandoned to the floor when Zemo walked into the kitchen in search of cherry blossom tea. He stopped dead in his tracks, taking a moment to process what he has walked in on before turning on his heel and walking out without a word. You slapped Bucky's arm and scolded him that you knew it was a bad idea to risk a quickie in the kitchen but he just threw his head back and laughed at you're embarrassment.

I swear to god he enjoyed it- you had pulled him into a quiet alley in Madripoor, when Bucky rounded the corner and saw you pushing him against the wall, his top buttons undone and you working on the rest. The bastard just smiled and his friend and remarked to give him a minute or two to finish up.

He hated it- but you didn't mind so much, you were sitting in his lap, you're face buried in his neck when Sam and Bucky walked back into Sharon's living room, "oh Jesus I didn't wanna see that" "dear god don't fuck on the couch I sit there"
Helmut gave them a death stare and pulled your shirt back onto your shoulder so they wouldn't see any more of you than they had. You just giggled and squirmed around in his lap, making him instantly forget about the others and focus all his attention on you.

It wouldn't have been a big deal, except for his reaction. Swear to god you had one more button than normal undone and he freaked out when Sam walked in, immediately trying to cover you up and blathering on and on with excuses, he was just helping you get a stain off your shirt, wait no you had fainted and he caught you that's why you were in his arms. Sam couldn't have cared less, chuckling at his friends flustered reaction to being caught during a sneaky make out.

She was pretty proud of how blushed it made you, she didn't care who saw you two, if they said anything she'd see to it they have a few less teeth afterward. She was in your lap, her lips locked with yours when another flag smasher super soldier walked in. She just gave him an annoyed stare and turned back to wink at you before leaning back in to continue your previous activity.

It really wasn't much, you had just given her a chaste kiss on the lips when you hard a squeal and chorus of "ew ew ewww no mum gross". The boys had gotten home from school and walked in to witness your moment. Sarah gave you an apologetic smile and yelled after her sons not to be rude before kissing you again.

Sorry if this was bad I can't be bothered to proof read because the cramps are hitting hard, feel free to request, I'll write pretty much anything u ask for-

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