Cooking Their Favorite Meal

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I'm vegan btw and my favourite foods are borsht and stir fry, what about you guys? :)

Bucky loves pasta, like a lot, and lucky for him it's super easy to make. He once tried to make a fancy white sauce and ended up burning his pan irreparably so he sticks to a basic tomato, onion and vegetable, and he's learning to use spices... slowly.

He's- not the most talented- to say the least. He uses store bought meal based as a crutch to make up for his lack of skill, but hey it turns out alright- most of the time. He can however make a killer cooked breakfast, so when all else fails it's breakfast for dinner (how European).

Oh he loves food, and cooking nostalgic Eastern European dishes is a hobby of his. The infamous paprika is a staple in his kitchen, as well as bread dumplings and roasted vegetables with an array of herbs from his garden.

He's a whiz in the kitchen, so he loves experimenting with all kinds of cuisine, from green Thai curries to Hungarian goulash to his homemade sorbet, it's always delicious!

Without much time or money on the run, she sticks to a British classic most of the time- beans on toast, but she also loves spicy food so chilli flakes often make an appearance to give the basic meal some flavour.

While the boys love her homemade pizza she prefers healthier foods, shopping what's in season and buying local produce we stan a sustainable queen, and her creations are always absolutely delicious. Her crowd favourites include a twist on shepherds pie and various salads with marinades and pickled vegetables.

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