Clingy Headcannons

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Oh Bucky, poor old man wouldn't know how to function without being a pain. He's the sweetest though, and tried his best not to annoy you, even if he's unsuccessful. He just needs to know that you're safe, that you love him, and pretty much any kind of validation he can get of your relationship. If you're doing something he will stare at you with puppy dog eyes until you relent and go sit with him, pulling his head into you're lap and playing with his hair.

Sam isn't the most clingy person out there, he's used to being away from the people he loves because of his previous military deployments, but when you two have a lazy day he simply won't let you out of his arms. He's not going to waste a second of free time without you there to enjoy it with him.

Ok hear me out, he's the worst with clingyness, as you call it. He is always following you around like a lost puppy helping you do anything and everything, grabbing things off shelves you are perfectly capable of reaching on your toes, taking anything that weighs more than a kilo out of your arms, insisting he carry it instead, et cetera. It's endearing but can get a little annoying, not to mention embarrassing around Bucky and Sam, who waste no time in playfully bullying you for your sickly sweet relationship.

He's the typical golden retriever boyfriend. Need I say more? He's always touching you (not like that you horny fiends), but his hand always finds yours, his head goes to your shoulder at any opportunity, he loves to randomly pick you up and carry you away from whatever was taking your attention away from him. (He's like a special agent I don't care how curvy or skinny you are, he's strong. He can carry you.)

She's not too clingy, key word too because she can't afford to give you all her attention when there's a revolution to start. This is not to say she's not going to attack you with a barrage of kisses and hugs whenever you two have a spare second, remembering what she's fighting for, a better world where people like you can be free from poverty and hardship.

It's hard being a working mum, so Sarah just doesn't have the time to be overly clingy, plus you guys are around each other 24/7 anyway. You always give each other warm smiles and take a second to just embrace each other amidst the chaos of parenthood.

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