Chapter 7

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Y/n's pov

I was just in the kitchen looking for some food because even though I just ate not that long ago I am still hungry. We came back about an hour ago and I have just been laying around just not really doing much. I had finally just decided on having a pop tart. I sat at the kitchen counter and just chatted with everyone, soon I could hear the front door opening and Irene coming in and then slamming it shut behind her.

'She doesn't seem happy' I thought to myself.

"Is everything okay?" I asked her and she just looked at me and the others and all I could see was guilt written all over her face.

"I have to tell you guy's something and it's serious" She said and somehow i knew this wasn't good i just had that feeling like something bad was going to happen.

We all got up and made our way to the living room and sat down on the couch and just waited for Irene to speak.

"I work for the mafia," She said without a moment of hesitation.

"Wait what" Wendy was the first person to speak as the rest of us were still in shock.

"I know this is a lot for you guys to take in so please just let me explain" She told us and we all just looked at her and waited for her to speak.

" My dad used to work for the mafia, he was loyal to them, after he passed it was my job to step in and take his place. I was only 17 at the time" She said.

" I stayed loyal to them, that is until now..." What does she mean by that?

" What do you mean 'until now'?" Seulgi asked.

" I was apart of the mafia when Y/n had gotten taken by Hanbin the only reason he has not found you is because i got rid of everything about you so that he wouldn't find us" She said

" The person I work for has now taken an interest in Y/n" Once she said that i had no words, it was like my whole world just stopped for a moment.

" He called me into his office today and when I got there he wanted me to tell him about Y/n" I was too scared to say anything at the moment.

" What did you tell him?" Joy asked.

" I told him everything, but believe me when I say I didn't want to tell him I had no choice or else he would have killed one of you other than Y/n" She said and I could tell she was telling the truth. Before anyone could say anything I just got up and walked over to Irene and gave her a hug.

"It's okay" That was all i told her and that was all i needed to say, i wasn't mad she had no choice but to tell him she did it to protect everyone even just telling us this could get her killed but she's taking that risk and that is what a true friend does.

" So no what?" Seulgi had asked.

" I don't know, he will probably come by the house in a few days to meet Y/n since he knows she lives with us" Irene says to everyone. I feel like I just want to go to bed and fall asleep and never wake up. I don't want a repeat of what happened last time. Why do I always attract the bad boys? Why can't I ever meet a guy that's not in the mafia?

" Y/n are you okay?" Wendy asked me.

" Yeah why?" I asked and they all gave me a weird look.

" Because we have been calling your name for the past five minutes," Wendy tells me. Have I really been zoned out that long?

" Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just tired" I told them and to be honest I was tired, so much has happened today and I just want to go lay down and rest.

" I think I'm going to go lay down. I don't feel well" I told them and got up and walked to the stairs headed to my room.

" Okay, just let us know if you need anything," Wendy had called from the living room before I made it up the stairs.

" Okay" That was the last thing I said to them before I finally made it up the stairs and into my room and laid on the bed and in seconds I was out like a light.

Wendy's pov

I watched as Y/n made her way up the stairs and into her room. I looked at the others and they all seemed just as worried as I was.

" How long do you think it will be before he stops by" Joy had asked and you could tell she was worried.

" Like five seconds" Irene had said leaving us all confused.

" Wait wha----" Before I could finish there was a knock on the door and Irene had gotten up to answer it. When she came back we we're all shocked by who we saw.

"Hello ladies, nice to see you all" The man had said with a smirk on his face.

"Hanbin........." I heard a voice behind me say when I looked I saw Y/n standing at the top of the stairs with the look of fear in her eyes. I just knew something bad was going to happen, but the real question is how did he find us?

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